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Monday, October 31, 2005


Untitled (again!)

it's almost like a race, or a test of endurance...

but the difference here's the loser actually wins.

Thursday, October 27, 2005



drawn deeper and deeper

my problem's i don't speak what's on my mind

and no, this time i'm not gonna take the first plunge

Wednesday, October 26, 2005



i wonder how i allow myself to go down the long road again this time. guess i haven't learnt my lesson. in a span of a few days the tables are turned. blah

again the thing bout the simplest of things affecting you and me. felt horrible today after the panel discussion thingy. thankfully we had an hour plus lunch break. didn't even have the appetite then when i went to the canteen. went back class, watched clement and bo quan play magic half-heartedly and promptly fell asleep. sleep is good for these occasions. woke up by kenneth's call. kinda grumpy at first but recovered heh. even went around to play a game of scrabble before going on the useless tour.

bo quan and the class's been commenting on my sleepy looking face a lot more recently haha. even on days i feel more awake now. gosh.

and yeah, went zhan seng's house yesterday. learnt a little bit bout piano. my, it's tough. but while 'practising' the simple part suddenly it feels like back at the yangqin days. not the part i hate which i revisited at the tjco experience. but the part i liked. when u just got a new score and trying to learn the kinks of it. practising for a long time but not really feeling the strain. it was fun =)

knowledge. hmm, i wonder if 'knowledge is power' is really true. the more i know the more unsure i get nowadays. oh well

Saturday, October 22, 2005



basketball in the evening's just holy. my, i can't believe what i've missed out since i moved. 2 times in a few years just too li'l. and my did i enjoy yesterday. played ball in sch earlier. fun, but not really satisfying. then rushed off at 6+ for dinner and a chocolate bar to recharge before it's off playing ball again. full court almost immediately after a few shots. but i thought i played pretty well. scored quite some with offensive rebounds, fast breaks and getting into 'holes'. had a few assists too =). but too many turnovers. sigh. but my, i haven't felt so good on the court for a long time. did some sort of an airwalk halfway once. i thought the cheers and wows from pple watching don't really affect me. but my, was i hyped up by that.

signing up for certain stuff. there should be a limit to how much they can make you do things. sure, they are providing us with free services most of the time. and then they ask you for your address and postal code and they makes sure its valid. fair enough, i can still stand that, and then they make it compulsory that you complete a survey. that in addition to having to scan through which boxes to check. bleh. i ain't making much sense today

local radio kinda suck. well, i don't listen to it most of the time anyway cos the last time i used to listen frequently they just keep repeating the same old songs over and over again. but today, well, my connection's kinda lagging so no go for internet radio. turned to power 98. ok, so maybe it's cos i don't like r&b/rap, etc and the first few songs happen to be them. and then they have to mix a few of originally nice songs so horribly.. power, hot mix. what a load of crap. then turned to perfect ten. to discover lame ads and r&b/rap again. i'm sticking to net radio. oh well, guess i'm just in a cynical mood (blast larry lee for tt. i must not fall into the trap and start talking like him) and feel like bashing just about anything.

i think i'm such a horrible friend.

Thursday, October 20, 2005



so here it goes again. only this time it's a different meaning almost altogether. no wonder they call it magical. and at those times we actually wonder how it's ever gonna happen again.

and no. proud's not it
and yeah, someone got it right after all


k. went bowling today. suddenly i had a urge of bowling in the morning and lasted throughout the whole day. it's been a long time... so despite the weird, acute strain on my hand i got when raising my hands occasionally which kinda developed this morning (so bad sleeping posture has an effect on the hand as well or what...) i dragged the usual group along. 174 for first game. heh ^^. missed the 3 open frames by a whisker, leaving just a pin each time. but guess i was kinda lucky. a few brooklyns got away with strikes. couldn't continue the form for the next. a 119. pretty good considering the 'hiatus ' but as usual, would have liked it better. lost a bit of the feel midway through the second game. how i like the feeling of the ball just with the middle and ring finger in it to add that li'l spin. you know it's gonna strike before it hits the pins =). let's hope it's not just an anomaly and i'm really improving heh

i kinda promised myself not to pon too many lessons when i went to aj. guess it doesn't apply to post promo. qigong took attendence for physics. die. mr wee and mr quek asked for the bunch of us during fmaths too. lol, i ponned just two today and ran into some problem kinda. not a good day. but it was fun. playing the text twist and getting the six letter words the fastest almsot all the time =). analgrams rock. soon ignited the urge for scrabble and played one game. the guy quit halfway though =(. just when i got my bingo heh. played a second game and ms chua game strolling in to discover almost the whole class ponned physics. ah well. why am i recounting all this i wonder...


let's just get swept away by the wave

Wednesday, October 19, 2005



dunno why i keep getting reminded of my birthday this year. my gushes over the rukia and kon figurine and kenneth saying how he'd buy it for me for it (i can't believe he actually tried getting the rest to get it. it's so expensive lah). then came shuli's birthday which i finally remembered and yizhin's. and mayping got the alerts thingy on the first aid blog. followed by benny's birthday before me. so no more forgetting of it heh.

well, as usual, i don't really put much imporatance on birthdays. but still, loads of thanks to those who remembered. sze ern's lame msg bout qigong while i was half awake (i actually thought i was dreaming lol. so just went back to sleep without replying until next morning) and then some. thanks again! appreciate what the class did too. kinda irritated by ms chua when she came out screaming but it's just a misunderstanding after all and she's all bubbly and laughing 15min after that. ms in actually reported she was furious going into the staff room and then she's all calm. woman. weird. oops haha.

the thing bout being curious. and then u learn a bit and realise you don't really want to know bout it. oh well. acting dumb's always an option. it's actually fun sometimes. gosh. just what am i saying. but oh well, no use speculating now.

i'm surprised at how fast i've managed to change things. heh. and i actually have the audacity to laugh at it now. cheers to stubbornness and the wonders of imagination.

Saturday, October 15, 2005



haha. open house. so i contributed to a repeat of what happened in aj open house last year. but oh well. only saw hock kiat. but i told him to go somewhere else if possible anyway heh. i guess it was largely boring sitting at the first aid booth located in one empty corner of the sch. not in the hall or the pe dept which was actually quite bustling with activity. the council dancing is pathetic. i guess it was only interesting when kenneth was there for around two hours heh. come to think of it, we were quite silly. running around sch at every sighting lol. then getting zhenhao and shiu hei to stop blocking the view. before that was really boring. at least there was some gossip after that with candy and weiteng haha. so guess it wasn't the worst of days as much as we're stuck at the booth with nothing to do.

later talked bout learning music. a cristofori branch was just set up bout a month ago opposite my block. and since then i've been thinking of picking up something. it's like i'm kinda attracted to music still. but dunno what to learn either. don't really like playing the guitar after the exp with ruan in p sch. my fingers aren't particularly strong and don't really like memorising chords. add that to small hand span and really weak pinky and how i detest blistered hands (i sound so puny. ugh) i guess it's not really for me. drums are kinda too noisy. piano seems nice but i don't have one. and probably will never get one. and using 10 fingers seem really scary to someone used to handling just two sticks. violin, cello... don't seem like the perfect choice either. and then there's the thing bout time. i better start before it's too late. first aid cert is so expensive =(



Maybe candy's right. and then again, maybe the groundless conspiracy theories of mine're correct too. i guess i'm not prepared to go on another trip today

Tuesday, October 11, 2005



life is like a game of age of wonders. at least my game. there'd be alliances, wars, backstabbing and everything and then there'd be this elven party. trying to maintain friendly ties with everyone. just content working on her tech tree and avoid battles. and then she realises that her allies are fighting. what does she do? i have no idea. perhaps that's why i still haven't continued that saved game.

i'd probably never understand how girls think. hui ping and evelyn complaining bout how they're fat and need to lose weight's just plain ridiculous. and after hearing it for the 578th time u kinda think some things are just like that



I dunno why but i hate it when my parents talk to me bout sch and stuff. at the back of my head i'd be telling myself i should maintain interaction with my family, etc and it's their way of showing concern. but i can't help but feel horrible and give vague, one word answers all the time. it's not like i'm hell bent on not talking to them. but everything but sch work. isn't very promising when u talk bout sth u don't like anyway, is it?

Sunday, October 09, 2005



Finally, after so much waiting, Ricky Martin's new album's coming out. 11 October. Life. He looks so different after so long

Nickelback's 'all the right reasons's out too. so is ryan cabrera's new album. my, that was fast. 3 cds i'm definitely gonna get by hook or by crook. definitely not gonna download. it all have to happen just after exam where i'm hankering for a shopping spree

Saturday, October 08, 2005



It's just such a wonder how the smallest of things usually matters most, how what is unspoken is often more important that what is said/done...

the memory of that day still haunts. some people are truly scary. i hope our paths don't ever meet again. i'm conceding without a fight

gosh, i'm just so dramatic and imaginative heh ^^.


In my dreams

So the promos are over. but i guess i'd been 'desensitised' by all the tests leading up to the o levels. it just felt like another test. thought it happened for the mid yrs cos it's just after the holidays. but guess it's not now. thinking back i may be taking them too lightly. chinese just explained it all i guess. got the compo qns and thought, shit, i can't write any of the topics. started brainstorming and thought how horrible my ideas were. first para done, felt my compo sucked. second para done, i'm so gonna fail my chinese. thrid para, there's no requiem anymore. fourth, let's just get this over and done with and sleep. i'm so tired anyway. and that i did. same thing happened for paper 2. i'm so dead. then for chem and phys. during the structured qns i was skipping loads of qn. not because i couldn't do them. it's cos they either require too much writing or i'm too lazy to read the long qns. thankfully i got back around to them before the time ran out. fmaths was killer. at least that's the consensus among everyone. i had 10min left at the end of the exams, had 11 marks worth which i didn't attempt at all but i just turned my qn paper over, arranged the answers, tied them together, etc and just sat back and relaxed, telling myself i can't do them if i looked at them anyway. where's the 'do or die' attitude lol.

i feel so sporty nowadays haha. been playing so many sports. bball, tennis, badminton. think i'd go swimming someday too. and bowling once i save some money if u consider that a sport. hopefully that's mean it won't be that tough when i start training up my stamina for the 2.4 during the holidays. no more failing...

i could probably listen to lifehouse's songs for ages. totally love their album, playing them on loop and i'm still not sick of them. it's like i've really liked half of their songs at some point. you and me's the hit. blind's my fave. come back down always sound nice. had one time where i really liked better luck next time. now kinda hooked on into the sun and we'll never know.

sleep... is good ^^.

ffvii: advent children rocked. cloud was cool (though i'd have preferred a slightly gruffer look compared to the 'pretty boy' one). tifa was hot. yuffie was cute. lol. would have liked the gang (yuffie and red xiii especially) to have more screentime and lines, but it was really nice imo. though kadaj and co was kinda irritating. baldy's (now what's his name) attempts at being funny weren't really successful. aerith wasn't revived =( (i was so hoping for it to happen when i saw her in the screens when the show was just announced. too bad. her face was never really shown either. loads of suggestions to her but not good enough. and when did cloud and aerith ever flirt so much. either that or i'm getting the wrong info out of things). realised i forgot so much of the ffvii storyline. the most lasting memory was how square decided to screw me up by letting aerith die, cloud go insane and tifa to take care of cloud. i so hated that part heh

starting to watch a li'l more anime. maybe it's time to wipe off the dust off the anime blog. or maybe i should just deem it a failure... bleach almost certainly going over 52 (unless we get a rushed, lousy ending) won't do anime blogging too good anyway. and yakitate japan's still running. still 2 episodes to go in school rumble. haven't finished mahou sensei negima either. hmmm... maybe i was too ambitious with it

corpse bride was nice. april snow's coming. into the blue's poster is so reminisce of baywatch (not tt i watched, or am planning to watch it. but it left such an impression when we were checking out the movies on friday). wanna get lilo and stitch 2.

lol, saw the rukia and kon figurines at comic connection! but it came bundled with ichigo. and costs 70 together. i want the act-cute rukia poster too. and whitey's to shore up the window at the side of my rooms that's causing reflections on the monitor every morning.

i wonder how i'm gonna clear the mess of papers in my room now that promos are over.

i want to get fm 2006 on 21st october... wonder how i'm gonna save so much in two weeks.

time t whip up the gamecube and gameboy. and then i realise i don't have any new games for them. grr...

i hope i can get a pc upgrade. hdd's way to small. need a new graphics card. processor and ram can do with some extra power too heh

okay. enough of being totally random...

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