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Saturday, October 08, 2005


In my dreams

So the promos are over. but i guess i'd been 'desensitised' by all the tests leading up to the o levels. it just felt like another test. thought it happened for the mid yrs cos it's just after the holidays. but guess it's not now. thinking back i may be taking them too lightly. chinese just explained it all i guess. got the compo qns and thought, shit, i can't write any of the topics. started brainstorming and thought how horrible my ideas were. first para done, felt my compo sucked. second para done, i'm so gonna fail my chinese. thrid para, there's no requiem anymore. fourth, let's just get this over and done with and sleep. i'm so tired anyway. and that i did. same thing happened for paper 2. i'm so dead. then for chem and phys. during the structured qns i was skipping loads of qn. not because i couldn't do them. it's cos they either require too much writing or i'm too lazy to read the long qns. thankfully i got back around to them before the time ran out. fmaths was killer. at least that's the consensus among everyone. i had 10min left at the end of the exams, had 11 marks worth which i didn't attempt at all but i just turned my qn paper over, arranged the answers, tied them together, etc and just sat back and relaxed, telling myself i can't do them if i looked at them anyway. where's the 'do or die' attitude lol.

i feel so sporty nowadays haha. been playing so many sports. bball, tennis, badminton. think i'd go swimming someday too. and bowling once i save some money if u consider that a sport. hopefully that's mean it won't be that tough when i start training up my stamina for the 2.4 during the holidays. no more failing...

i could probably listen to lifehouse's songs for ages. totally love their album, playing them on loop and i'm still not sick of them. it's like i've really liked half of their songs at some point. you and me's the hit. blind's my fave. come back down always sound nice. had one time where i really liked better luck next time. now kinda hooked on into the sun and we'll never know.

sleep... is good ^^.

ffvii: advent children rocked. cloud was cool (though i'd have preferred a slightly gruffer look compared to the 'pretty boy' one). tifa was hot. yuffie was cute. lol. would have liked the gang (yuffie and red xiii especially) to have more screentime and lines, but it was really nice imo. though kadaj and co was kinda irritating. baldy's (now what's his name) attempts at being funny weren't really successful. aerith wasn't revived =( (i was so hoping for it to happen when i saw her in the screens when the show was just announced. too bad. her face was never really shown either. loads of suggestions to her but not good enough. and when did cloud and aerith ever flirt so much. either that or i'm getting the wrong info out of things). realised i forgot so much of the ffvii storyline. the most lasting memory was how square decided to screw me up by letting aerith die, cloud go insane and tifa to take care of cloud. i so hated that part heh

starting to watch a li'l more anime. maybe it's time to wipe off the dust off the anime blog. or maybe i should just deem it a failure... bleach almost certainly going over 52 (unless we get a rushed, lousy ending) won't do anime blogging too good anyway. and yakitate japan's still running. still 2 episodes to go in school rumble. haven't finished mahou sensei negima either. hmmm... maybe i was too ambitious with it

corpse bride was nice. april snow's coming. into the blue's poster is so reminisce of baywatch (not tt i watched, or am planning to watch it. but it left such an impression when we were checking out the movies on friday). wanna get lilo and stitch 2.

lol, saw the rukia and kon figurines at comic connection! but it came bundled with ichigo. and costs 70 together. i want the act-cute rukia poster too. and whitey's to shore up the window at the side of my rooms that's causing reflections on the monitor every morning.

i wonder how i'm gonna clear the mess of papers in my room now that promos are over.

i want to get fm 2006 on 21st october... wonder how i'm gonna save so much in two weeks.

time t whip up the gamecube and gameboy. and then i realise i don't have any new games for them. grr...

i hope i can get a pc upgrade. hdd's way to small. need a new graphics card. processor and ram can do with some extra power too heh

okay. enough of being totally random...

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