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Saturday, October 15, 2005



haha. open house. so i contributed to a repeat of what happened in aj open house last year. but oh well. only saw hock kiat. but i told him to go somewhere else if possible anyway heh. i guess it was largely boring sitting at the first aid booth located in one empty corner of the sch. not in the hall or the pe dept which was actually quite bustling with activity. the council dancing is pathetic. i guess it was only interesting when kenneth was there for around two hours heh. come to think of it, we were quite silly. running around sch at every sighting lol. then getting zhenhao and shiu hei to stop blocking the view. before that was really boring. at least there was some gossip after that with candy and weiteng haha. so guess it wasn't the worst of days as much as we're stuck at the booth with nothing to do.

later talked bout learning music. a cristofori branch was just set up bout a month ago opposite my block. and since then i've been thinking of picking up something. it's like i'm kinda attracted to music still. but dunno what to learn either. don't really like playing the guitar after the exp with ruan in p sch. my fingers aren't particularly strong and don't really like memorising chords. add that to small hand span and really weak pinky and how i detest blistered hands (i sound so puny. ugh) i guess it's not really for me. drums are kinda too noisy. piano seems nice but i don't have one. and probably will never get one. and using 10 fingers seem really scary to someone used to handling just two sticks. violin, cello... don't seem like the perfect choice either. and then there's the thing bout time. i better start before it's too late. first aid cert is so expensive =(

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