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Thursday, October 20, 2005



so here it goes again. only this time it's a different meaning almost altogether. no wonder they call it magical. and at those times we actually wonder how it's ever gonna happen again.

and no. proud's not it
and yeah, someone got it right after all


k. went bowling today. suddenly i had a urge of bowling in the morning and lasted throughout the whole day. it's been a long time... so despite the weird, acute strain on my hand i got when raising my hands occasionally which kinda developed this morning (so bad sleeping posture has an effect on the hand as well or what...) i dragged the usual group along. 174 for first game. heh ^^. missed the 3 open frames by a whisker, leaving just a pin each time. but guess i was kinda lucky. a few brooklyns got away with strikes. couldn't continue the form for the next. a 119. pretty good considering the 'hiatus ' but as usual, would have liked it better. lost a bit of the feel midway through the second game. how i like the feeling of the ball just with the middle and ring finger in it to add that li'l spin. you know it's gonna strike before it hits the pins =). let's hope it's not just an anomaly and i'm really improving heh

i kinda promised myself not to pon too many lessons when i went to aj. guess it doesn't apply to post promo. qigong took attendence for physics. die. mr wee and mr quek asked for the bunch of us during fmaths too. lol, i ponned just two today and ran into some problem kinda. not a good day. but it was fun. playing the text twist and getting the six letter words the fastest almsot all the time =). analgrams rock. soon ignited the urge for scrabble and played one game. the guy quit halfway though =(. just when i got my bingo heh. played a second game and ms chua game strolling in to discover almost the whole class ponned physics. ah well. why am i recounting all this i wonder...


let's just get swept away by the wave

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