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Wednesday, October 26, 2005



i wonder how i allow myself to go down the long road again this time. guess i haven't learnt my lesson. in a span of a few days the tables are turned. blah

again the thing bout the simplest of things affecting you and me. felt horrible today after the panel discussion thingy. thankfully we had an hour plus lunch break. didn't even have the appetite then when i went to the canteen. went back class, watched clement and bo quan play magic half-heartedly and promptly fell asleep. sleep is good for these occasions. woke up by kenneth's call. kinda grumpy at first but recovered heh. even went around to play a game of scrabble before going on the useless tour.

bo quan and the class's been commenting on my sleepy looking face a lot more recently haha. even on days i feel more awake now. gosh.

and yeah, went zhan seng's house yesterday. learnt a little bit bout piano. my, it's tough. but while 'practising' the simple part suddenly it feels like back at the yangqin days. not the part i hate which i revisited at the tjco experience. but the part i liked. when u just got a new score and trying to learn the kinks of it. practising for a long time but not really feeling the strain. it was fun =)

knowledge. hmm, i wonder if 'knowledge is power' is really true. the more i know the more unsure i get nowadays. oh well

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