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Wednesday, June 30, 2004


Emptiness yet again

really dunno wat to blog, juz lyk how it's been 4 the past week or so (make that almost everyday), but juz need a place to try express my feelings. kinda have a lots of undescribable feelings in me nowadays, and really dunno how to react... (adolescence, eh?) sure, i always have this empty feeling inside me from time to time, where i juz look back at myself and wonder y i'm still going bout life blindly but this time there's sth else... it's more than the emptiness... it's lyk trying to reach out 4 sth u really want but that thing is juz so elusive, always that inch away. after much hard work squeezing that inch out of yourself you find urself yet another inch away... sigh...

kinda troubling, really i've been waiting one day for myself to juz stop thinking while i sleep (eternal sleep or watever, juz make me not feel it)... or maybe tell me a day in advance so i can go do watever i've always wanted to do but have been afraid to. it's been bout six mnths since i'd wished 4 tt, but i dun see it happening anytime soon either...

well, chinese o level oral tml... zhe ji tian wo i zhi zai ban shang nu li jiang hua wen... make that hua yu (y's terence so fickle bout it?) but it juz feels so unnatural... juz hope i'd be able to get over and done with it. wo shi hua ren, dang ran neng shuo biao zun he zhen que de hua wen/yu

and finally doing some hw at home is a gd thing, though the amount i've spent on latte (and more on big macs and vanilla cokes and ice cream cones when i start studying 4 prelims and o's) have really pegged me back. Also, given that i now return home so frickin' late, all the gaming have come to a standstill... i still have at least 15 more hours to clock be4 i can complete golden sun again (y did i ever delete that save file... stupid me..) so i can finally game on the mrt again... long blog today, so that's all 4 now. juz enjoy everything until ur own nirvana comes... or armagadon watever will come earlier

Sunday, June 20, 2004



so sianz nowadays... sian tt have nth to do, but also 'cos of the holiday hw piling up (last day can do it ;P) and sch's gonna start soon. everyday it's juz cm, my mags, wheel of time, some scrabble, internet and lazing 'round doing nth. i need my variety to my life...

anyway, yesterday went jl house & played mahjong. at least sth different, and it's fun, though a li'l bit boring cos onli 3 pple (the 2 of us + his sis). but at least it's sth. so long since i've played mahjong, forgot so much liao... let's do that more often!

well, that's it from me. the garfield dl is going wayyyyyy toooooo sllloowww... come on!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Midori no Hibi!

wow, so long since my last entry, eh? komenasai... juz can't seem to blog bout nething, lest it becomes some mindless, boring ones (if they ain't already)

anyway, every1 should go out & watch Midori no Hibi... Juz how do they pack so much humor and laughs into 30 min? feel so relaxed after watching it, but curse starhub 4 not bringing in that anime channel. now still have to spend so much time dling.

my broadband contract ending, but looks like i'd juz continue on the original plan... ~70 for the 1.5mb/s is a li'l too much, and the additional fees in converting to starhub isn't exactly value 4 $... now i'm stuck with dling at these crappy speeds... ;<

and on another note, sigh... dun wanna talk bout it, but can't seem to do anything... and i thought i promised myself i'd dare to... nvm, guess it'd turn out like the other few times. watever, as i'd say, but wonder when would be the time i finally will create history. kampate kurasai!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Well-deserved break

long time, eh... so much has happened... exams over, and now chinese o levels r over as well, how great... will be taking a break from studying 4 the month be4 it's back to my books again, though having to go back to sch 4 2 weeks is nvr a gd thing.

nothing much to lament recently... exams come and go, and i'd say i'm pleased bout my efforts and results. chinese 'o's ain't the best i could have done but at least it went on better than what i had forsaw. think i'm juz gonna slack my month away on another few yrs in cm (2039 and counting)

once again, nothing much... currently playing sword of mana (along with cm of course), so hoping to add it to my 'completion list'. if i can do it, maybe it'd kickstart my reviewing of faqing 'career'. maybe i'd do both! anyway, nth much once again so that's it 4 me now

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