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Wednesday, September 21, 2011


2am musings

More and more often I've been thinking of moving out, finding a place to stay by myself or just with some good, close friends.

It's not like I do not like my own home as it is (I do like it, and as much as a chore staying at Woodlands is in terms of travel it isn't that bad.) Nor is it to get away from my parents; I do love them as they are and certainly don't mind staying together with them. It's just a feeling to want to move out that won't go away...

It's probably because of the good times overseas, be it in the dorm in Austin, the awesome 4-room apartment in Urbana, hotels or hostels. And because I consume most of my media from the US, knowing their culture where the kids are simply expected to move out come college time.

I doubt if it will happen anytime soon, though, what with the prices of houses in Singapore. That, and I doubt my other friends will share the sentiment so it will have to be a studio apartment somewhere.

(OK, I've finished my rant and I'm not getting to any larger point of discussion that I thought I will go on to.)


On a completely unrelated note, staying up late at the 24h Macs is pretty relaxing/fun/interesting (now if only a good 24h cafe will open near my place.) There's my laptop to keep me amused amidst some light mugging. There's this man at the table to my right in work wear sleeping slouched over the table; I wonder why he is here, if taking a nap here is intentional or not. There's a group of girls with some notes laid out on their table; it seems like they are here to study but I doubt they are getting anything done. There's a guy reading a magazine behind me, an old uncle drinking what mcdonald's claim to be coffee chatting with a teenager, a middle-aged guy scribbling on some piece of paper, presumably work. People watching can be interesting sometimes; I'm glad I live in the city.

Yes, I'm wide awake at 2am and will probably only call it a day at 3 or 4. If only real life isn't so biased towards the morning person. I'm glad it's the holidays, even if just for a week.

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