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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Life's simple pleasures...

haven't had coffee since e fateful stomachache 6th jan... ok, maybe three cups of coffee for five shots total was a bit too much for one afternoon... but still...

been up before 11 for a week already cos of various reasons... some willing, some not so willing and now starting to not be able to sleep til too late

haven't drank for bout a month now since i spilled that red on my white tee. (the super diluted xo at jun liang's party doesn't count)

stopped betting since syc

and recently, started to feel i'm getting too old to LaSG!

darn. i'm losing touch with so many of life's simple pleasures haha. they just need to take away eating and afternoon naps and i'd be left with nothing. time to start rearing birds and playing chess...

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