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Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Sweet, sweet losing

there's a certain romanticism in being a loser. you know, how songs, poems and whatanot seem to almost always talk bout being failed, failing, having the odds stacked against one, yadda yadda. so much is said bout winning but who ever gives a thought bout those in positions of power, the situation weighed towards them, where winning is a foregone conclusion. anything else is just a letdown

ah, to be in the realm of the undeserving again

Mmm.. no one's going to do you any favours, so if you want to get anything, you've got to get it yourself, Mr. Soh. Get a grip. You can do whatever you want, if you actually want it.
I mean that in an encouraging manner. Hahah. Sounded a little admonishing, which wasn't my intention at all.
And I'm here to help if you ever need it. That's what friends are for. Note how much attention I've paid to your once-in-a-blue-moon blog post. Hahah.
you're reading way too much bout the post man. the thought came across my mind like 2-3 weeks ago before anything even happened, so, yeah...

and i told u irl already, but just for the sake of ppl other than mr ashleigh who pay attention to my once-in-a-blue-moon blog, the post was more of a proclamation of how poetic and romantic losing seems. winning has its nice parts, and losing sucks mostly, but winners and people in positions of power don't get to feel like a just and poetic hero who has just fallen. All hail the underdogs!
Losers are losers.
No one gives a shit about you when you're losing. At least winners get people pining for their downfall, and you get that much validation and self-satisfaction when you prove them wrong time and time again.
Or more to counter your point about losers being the ONLY ONES who get to feel poetic and romantic and bittersweet melancholy..

Winners can sigh inwardly about how lonely their positions of power are, and that no one will ever understand the struggles they are going through. No one will ever give them a kind, encouraging word because people think they don't need it. People think winners are strong, and are less likely to give them any compassion, leeway or humanity.

Winners can be just so sad and misunderstood sometimes... Sigh.

(That sigh was for extra effect. I don't really give a shit. Just trying to paint a picture here. Hahah.)
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