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Thursday, June 26, 2008



"An unexpected encounter, a pleasant surprise
An unexpected discovery, not so nice a find
A moment's jest, then a turn away
I so can't bear to look, he says
Yeah, they're just so gross, he concurred
Suddenly an enlightenment, a revelation
My, i didn't so much concur
Just jealous. Just envious
Revelations in this conjured, imaginary world
He woke up
And hey, he tells him, it's time to wake up"

Haha, i actually wanted to blog about how i seemed to have developed blind faith, something i thought has shunned all the time, how my outlooks of life have changed over the years and the teenage angst period of a few years back. but as so often is the case, i lost the mood to type it all out after i thought i have already thought through in my head. oh well, til next time when i'm all in the mood...

I can't help but worry that you're talking about a situation where you were observing a gay couple and then realising you were gay after all.
LOL! Sheesh. The overexuberent use of 'he's was just meant mask identity and to create doubt bout who was saying what. And gross doesn't need to be downright disgusting, just something that one might not bear to look at. Oh well, given your wayward interpretation I guess I guess at least e style served its purpose haha.

Ps: your comments thing is turned off again.. Go activate it leh
K lah. I figured maybe you saw a friend with his girlfriend and they were being very lovey-dovey and PDA. So while you were turned off initially, you're envious and desiring that feeling of in-love-ness that he's in the midst of.

But that's my real guess. Hahah.
haha. it's so interesting to see how ur imagination go wild over it. try harder next time...
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