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Sunday, June 15, 2008


Adrenaline junkie

wow. i can't believe i'm still awake, alive and kicking now, awaiting yet another euro match at 12. probably won't watch the 2.30 match though. think i slept like a combined total of 5+h the past 2 days...

so it started with thurs night/fri morning... missed a few euro matches the few days before so decided to watch both matches... can't say the matches won't interesting, but damn frustrating seeing austria having so many chances early on and not able to put any away. like 3-4 one on ones... anyway, so it ended at 4.30 or so... only an hour or so left til it's time to wake up for another duty day. was an absolute zombie when i reached camp. thankfully, got a bit of rest in the morning...

so work, work it was... got a little upset halfway through. cos was helping one guy do one hour of duty cos my detail wasn't all too bad, end up got taken over 20min late... lo and behold, 1h 30min left to sleep til i wake up for the italy match. surprisingly wasn't that tired considering i was dozing off for so many champions league matches earlier in the year. guess watching a team u support is much more exciting. and a small wager doesn't do the entertainment value any harm... any frustrating match to watch haha. sad... like so many times the team i support/bet on play better and then let in the first goal... but at least the match was quite interesting. quite a lot of attacking

2-4am duty next. was planning on finishing my book but my, was dying inside. like read for 15min, dying next, and then pace around for a few minutes before rinsing and repeating. thankfully this time was taken over on time/early... sent arms and next went to watch the holland match. instant revival seeing the 2-0 scoreline (had a small wager on holland overcoming a 1.5goal handicap. 5.5 odds. w00t). real nice match. very impressed with the dutch... and watching with 3 other people helped. i was quite high haha, shouting for all the goals and near misses. so only went to sleep at bout 5.30 til 7 plus

went IT fair next with saw, skiong, bing bing and pong. was zombified earlier during dismount. thankfully some coffee revived me (though it wasn't particularly nice. had it from at raffles city. their donuts are great, but coffee was so-so, reminded me of mccafe stuff)... but after lunch the caffein was waring off.. was damn lethargic on the way back

last min got jio-ed for ball... haha. not enough sleep really affects ur game. none of my shots felt right... was reacting darn slowly for everything. like everyone on the court could outdribble me and i was tripping all over the place... the only useful thing i did for the few games were probably just a few screens. our team lost the first four matches or so... damn sian feeling... i was playing so pathetically haha. the whole team won't clicking too. got a bit rough halfway through too...

but then the last match... was talking to junliang before it and lamenting how sian today was, playing so crappily. began as usual... going both ways. then suddenly an injection of momentum. was tied/close at about 5 or 6 when suddenly an influx of momentum came about. first kelvin (tan) got a steal right after a damn frustrating turnover off the inbound to get our momentum back. then i swatted a low post pass away. it went out and they got the ball back but my, the momentum was turning. really interesting how such plays can really affect morale and stuff even though the actual consequence on the match isn't much... two quick pick and rolls, a nice little hand off and we were cruising. then it became tied 10-all until a nice hook from jl coming off the screen. woohoo! man, i've never felt an adrenalin pumping like that before... hard to describe how damn sweet that victory was

can't help but marvel at how caffeine and adrenaline makes the world go round

***darn, this entry was supposed to be adrenaline rushes and me in general, like how i never really get the 'runner's high' or anything like that. sad it turned out to be so much of a recounting of events and when i got to the point i'm too lazy to elaborate. oh well

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