Friday, June 01, 2007
Rise of the Dead

Hmm... Feels weird to be back here. but here i am. It's been some time. A long time. Hmm... I can't seem to decide where to start. Loads of things happened in the one year plus of 'exile'. it certainly seemed longer than that. i wonder what made me come back here again. there've been on-off occassions when i was tempted to blog again following that last entry but the feeling was always just fleeting and never really strong enough such that i'd do sth bout it. but somehow upon the urge has been more prevelent for the past month of so. So many things i have wanted to gush about. but i guess i'd just leave them as mere thoughts of those moments
endings mark new beginnings. it's prob apt then that i'm restarting this blog again today. Last day at Mowbray camp. slowly it's starting to sink in. the realisation that i'd prob never see it again. it's been a nice place. some place i would actually say feel like a second home. AJ never felt like one. Tekong was nowhere near the letter H. and i'm surprised i'm actually saying that i'm gonna miss an army camp. i must say MP was the best thing that could have happened to me for my NS life. now that i think back bout last times before enlisting. amidst all the comments about wanting to chao-keng, down-pes, etc, when pple ask me where i want to go i'd say not infantry. then i think bout other vocations i know of... medic. no way, combat medics have it real tough with the stretcher along with everything else. signaller. the freaking heavy signal set. engineers. building bridges sound like hard work... who would have known i really got my wish.
bmt has been tough. ultimately i got through it no problem but i could say i hardly enjoyed a minute of it. all the mindless stuff here and there, everything driven by fear and punishment. and then i shrunk back into my shell. never been the most outspoken of people, but i think for the last couple of years i have been slowly loosening up, less fearful of speaking up, etc. to think all gone to waste in a matter of a few weeks. i guess it's the way i handle my problems. i guess it's kinda normal too, just a li'l bit extreme cos read somewhere guys tend to retreat into their caves and mull things over before coming out only when they've solved the problem. finally feeling human again after posting out. but sometimes when talking i can't help but notice myself. i wonder what happened. sure hope it can improve
so now a new journey in gombak... can't say i'm happy bout it. but then again there's really no posting in mind which i can think of which is available and i'd like better. would love to go to isb or sembawang air base (if only just for the proximity) but sadly, nope. oh well.. if there's one thing i've found most useful in life,
COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. I'm certainly keeping track of mine.