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Friday, December 09, 2005


Council Summit - Take Three

so i didn't blog bout japan as planned (but will still get it done). and right after chalet's over i gotta go to the youth camp thing. that makes three things to blog bout.

anyway, had the third 'council summit' (as eric puts it) yesterday. ash didn't want seoul garden despite the history (and how the four of us wanted to go there but didn't insist) so we went marche. for lunch. a first too. we went to the suntec one. don't really like it compared to the one at heeren. it lets too much light from outside in (compared to the underground one at sommerset), is smaller and somehow the food choices seem less. oh, and ash managed to lie terence into joining us this time round heh. lol, was laughing aloud how he managed to lie 4 times in a short phone call. seems like the 5 of them have never went marche before. so the complaining of the prices. and started pushing the blame to ash heh. in the end it wasn't so expensive compared to other restaurants i guess (and i'm kinda used to the prices at marche). but the mood and atmosphere wasn't there sadly. ended up just gossiping bout other people, leaving the others "for tonight".

hung around suntec for a while after that and went back to the usual place for dinner. and managed to convince terence to tag along too. nice. i think the manager there must think we're such troublesome customers. first we say we want our usual seat down there and then we request to have the 6 of us squeeze around a table. thankfully we got it. lol, kinda funny waiting for the sun to set and for the sky outside to darken while we were waiting before we start. the 'rookie' went first and we went a round. now that it's the third time round it's almost like we're used to this already. felt so relaxing now (not that the other times were tense, but more now). was great. and after all that it's time to part again. can't wait for next year when we can have the next council meeting. it's definitely something i'm looking forward to (and hopefully, we'd get a chalet done again next year...) i really hope things never change and we can make this a yearly thing or something like that. hopefully army won't pose much of a problem (and the clerk aspiration continues). it's just these days where you feel like you belong to this world and you're not just an outcast thrown into the face of earth with nobody to depend upon.

damn. they made me so confused now with what they said. but oh well, i'd just take whatever comes (as usual?). and i thought i my mind was set. that's the thing bout me. fickle-minded and stubbornness should be opposites. so what happens when someone have both of these traits? you'd just ponder over your choices, switch here and there with second, third, fourth and fifth thoughts before you get sick of everything and decide to be stubborn on a decision. and most of the time the decision will just be made by pure randomness. i wonder if i made the right choice then. but then again i've promised myself not to look at the possibilities. damn the council again for making me so undecided. but i guess it's nice knowing certain things. and as much as i hate them for this there's no doubt these meetings will be one of my best memories of my life

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