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Tuesday, October 11, 2005



life is like a game of age of wonders. at least my game. there'd be alliances, wars, backstabbing and everything and then there'd be this elven party. trying to maintain friendly ties with everyone. just content working on her tech tree and avoid battles. and then she realises that her allies are fighting. what does she do? i have no idea. perhaps that's why i still haven't continued that saved game.

i'd probably never understand how girls think. hui ping and evelyn complaining bout how they're fat and need to lose weight's just plain ridiculous. and after hearing it for the 578th time u kinda think some things are just like that

4 words: get use to it.... haha.......
so malu...confused ur birthday..=)

shan: haha. i guess so. and ricky martin rocks no matter what. don't delude yourself lol

vril: it's alrite lah. at least u were close? ^^.
u r so full of bullshit..haha.. ricky martin is so passe... n sorry for forgetting ur bday.. so i am not sure if its a belated, or an early greeting frm me now.. but happy bday none the less.. haha..
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