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Monday, August 22, 2005


Valiant, etc


Just watched valiant. a cute li'l show which i enjoyed. i guess you can never trust the critics. was kinda weary bout watching valiant cos of the reviews. i can't understand why movies like lemony snicket's unfortunate events, a lot like love and star wars got better scores. And how shows i thoroughly enjoyed like hitch and miss congeniality got bashed...

so the movie didn't really start off that well. there were numerous attempts at jokes but somehow i couldn't bring myself to laugh. suddenly the lines i've read in the reviews beforehand started resonating in my mind. and with the kids around me laughing at some of the jokes, it seems like i caught the wrong show. but things picked up soon and before long i was laughing out loud at so many things. albeit feeling like i'm the only one laughing at certain jokes at times. thought it really picked up at the part where the pigeon started talking bout liking pink.

maybe i got used to the humour in the movie as it went on. or maybe i finally managed to just sit back, not think too much and enjoy the movie as it is but well, it just felt like a nice movie. nothing too great, but good for a decent, light-hearted time. and felt that the timing was right too. the plot's the usual ho-hum animation story (can't help but compare the movie with robots. must be ewan mcgregor heh. both nothing spectacular but good for a few hearty chuckles) so it doesn't try to drag much. when the plot needed to be advanced and the climax came thought it was done short and sweet. no point in dragging something expected when the chances to insert those funnies are few. guess 1h 10min or so is a bit short but i think that's what made the time spent in the cinema enjoyable too cos not much time is wasted.

now eagerly anticipating march of the penguins. i just have this affinity towards penguins haha. have been looking out for the release in singapore since it became a hit in the US. reviews are great too. though people i know don't seem to really care bout it and have shown very limited interest (i guess dragging people to watch a lot like love was the biggest mistake of the year heh. credibility = 0 now..)


I think too much most of the time, making things out of nothing, etc.
And nowadays the line between dreams and reality seems to have blurred. Certain things i don't even remember if it happened in real life.
Then as usual, there's this overactive mind coming up with conspiracy theories and all the ideas and meanings behind things
Now i can't even seem to differentiate if there's indeed some subtle meaning in words or is it yet another figment of my imagination
And playing on the safe side i always do
I ought to throw it my all one day and see where it brings me to
But there's always this thing deep inside hanging on to the safety holding back presents
i wanna climb high, but the again i don't wanna fall down
i hope to just let it all go one day
Just a little bit more, i always say
But i wonder when that bit more's gonna come
Or how much would classify as a bit more
Just wish things will somehow work out by itself, presenting everything all laid out for me
i guess i'm dense sometimes...

(i would like to have continue a recent trend of sorts and come up with some poem or whatnot to express the above but the words just don't seem to flow. so well, all in it's crude, unpolished and unorganised form on top then)

(on other note, i seem to be running out of stuff to blog bout. or just plain lazy. i used to like typing down my thoughts and opinions on stuff, but somehow i don't think bout anything and everything as much now as compared to before. and recounting seem to have lost any glimmer of appeal. pardon me if updates come slow for the recent future. well, i do have an idea of sorts to update weekly. more on it on friday. actually had the entry in mind last week already but just plain lazy. oh well... but then again, whenever i say i might update less frequently interesting things will somehow pop up and i blog more often. let's see...)

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