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Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I'm kinda tired of thinking up entry titles these days...

didn't go to sch today... have been deliberating on it since yest. whether to use the slight sore throat as an excuse to skip sch. loaded on the unhealthy food on monday... cutlet during recess, kfc after sch and a sugar roll to go along with it. but somehow at night it still felt like it was gonna go away the next. added two chocolate bars before bedtime, which was much, much earlier than norm at bout 10. actually the purpose of going kfc was to do some stuff, but didn't felt like at all. lib's still the best place i guess

so woke up today morning. sore throat's almost completely gone. but thought of all the tutorials i'm lagging behind in. so just shut off the alarm clock and slept til 11. real nice. went to the doctor. who was so cooperative in crapping up problems with my body. the very slight sore throat (it doesn't even hurt when swallowing saliva now compared to on fri) became a 'dry, inflammed throat'. and he continued by going 'there's no fever... but u feel like a fever's gonna develop soon. so i'd give u some fever medicine' lol. then 'u sure ur nose ain't blocked? it looked kinda bad' followed by some cough medicine when i have no hint of a cough at all. so he earned easy money from a cheap customer like me heh. but he actually offered to give two days mc and two weeks exempt from pe. somehow didn't feel too good taking that offer. will go back sch tml and pe excuse only for one week.

but i think i lost the point of my skipping of sch. still haven't done my tutorials. crap. actually felt like going to the lib or some fast food restaurant to do the stuff in the afternoon but suddenly remembered i'm supposed to be sick and resting at home lol. and am i kinda surprised the first sms came from ernest lol. maybe i should tone down all the jibes and put-downs haha. but then again, he's the easiest 'target' in class for that and only one who talk bout sth different from the common topic in class. note to myself to drop a msg for friends who didn't come to sch...


Inspiration to write something stemmed from a few days ago with a few verses played out in my head as i was going about. as again i never really got down to completing what i'd envisioned at the start, but at least it's something i guess...

Sometimes i get all worked up over nothing,
Or feel down at the slightest hint of things.
Getting moody out of the blue,
Then back to being cheerful without a clue.

Some days i feel invincible,
Others i am just invisible...
When i get all lonely and lost on the isle,
May i seek solace in your smile.

wei... do take care of urself arh... dont fall ill with the promos so close.. cya...
thanks. but heh, it's more of not feeling like going to sch than being ill...
haha. great to see you blogging again =). hope you're doing well eh!
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