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Tuesday, August 09, 2005



sometimes there are so many things i wish i dared to say. so many occasions there are these words of appreciation, apologies or whatever but the words just get choked halfway up my throat... pride? i wonder. sometimes i wish i can go up to person X and say "i really love it when you ~~~", tell person Y "you remember that time i ~~~... i'm truly sorry". Then go up to person Z and say "you know, my life just wouldn't be the same without you" or "i really appreciate it, deep down in my heart, when ~~~"

moving on to something unrelated as i always like to, i'd just like to reccount some of the things that happened during the past few days... let's see... monday... national day celebration. we watched this movie called 'singapore gaga'. well, kinda interesting i guess... a few intriguing characters (the 'national treasure' uncle and the 'hello one dollar' woman i've heard so countless numbers of times irl) and ideas (harmonica vs recorder in music education. hearing voices in our head instead of voices in the surroundings [though i don't really agree with the producer on the latter point])... oh yeah, and the starting/ending scene with the busker deserves a mention too... kinda like the song... "wasted days and wasted nights" by freddy fender i think... then we had the class picnic. which some of us prepared for at zhen xiong's house on sunday. which i probably should blog bout. but as usual, am too lazy to.

so, briefly, i decided to help out in the baking of the cookies over preparing the sandwiches and agar-agar. i just seem to have this affinity for baking, probably because of the few experiences with dad making pancakes, muffins and cakes when young and the home econs programme in zhonghua where we made pastries more than we cooked. and the experience making JAPAN heh. quite fun. enjoyed licking the 'dough' before it is baked heh. kinda like cookies and cream... and never knew cookies are soft fresh off the oven haha. screwed up some stuff (spilled a li'l flour on the table, mixed everything before they should be, etc) but it was still an enjoyable experience nonetheless. and at the end of batches after batches i was the only one left baking while the rest started wandering off when the novelty weared off. and eating while preparing food's the fun part of it too haha.

ok, so back to the picnic. the food was finished pretty fast. qigong performed some magic for us heh. but failed twice before it worked. kinda interesting to see him more laid-back then his usual self during physics lessons and first aid committee meetings. played capteh (sp) next. reminds me of the days in zh during racial harmony.

some cake later, then (ugh) fmaths makeup lecture. was originally looking forward to possibly hanging out with some friends after the celebration but turns out nothing was set. so was prepared to go home after that. then kenneth didn't have plans too (or rather, the makeup lecture spoiled his plans). i wanted to watch the island but didn't in the end. turned out the two of us and minghui and yiqin went kboxing. usually, karaoke for me means sitting down listening to other people sing for what seems like eternity before singing a song or two before the day is over. thought i sang loads this time. my songs kept getting upped lor. must have tormented the three of them with my horribly off and low singing heh. and finally found how to choose english songs. most of the time when karaoke-ing with others i'm always stuck with some oldie which i only know the chorus and sing the rest based on how much i can read off the screen (which isn't much)

okay, so that's it. on to today. played ball with lymon and ash. kinda a pity ash gotta go early. but oh well... it's always nice to meet up with the two of them.

and i think i've ranted much more than i've intended to. actually just wanted to gloss over the recounting and get to my next, unrelated point bout counting my blessings. which i have planned to blog bout since the june holidays. which will still be pushed back now cos i'm kinda lazy to continue blogging anymore. times like this i feel like i've really defeated the purpose of blogging. sooner or later i'm gonna StArT TyPiNg LiKe ThIs AnD tAlK iN tOtAlLy BiMbOtIc lAnGuAgE lIkE i'M sO gReAt aNd SuCh AnD uSe ToTaLlY iNcOmPrEhEnSiBle GrAmMaR, eTc... grr, that was real irritating... so that's all for now

sometimes, when u cant bring urself to say it, sms is the nxt easier way to do so. haha sometimes i cant bring myself to say somethings (quite ordinary tings sometimes lol) i sms. at least it's still said out. "better out than in" as shrek says =p lol
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