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Monday, August 15, 2005



i'm surprised i'm still alive heh. thought i wa bound to be seriously sick for the weekends. first sign of sore throat on thurs. then slight fever on friday, coupled with the pe training from hell and reluctance to watch out for my diet it really didn't seem good. and to make matters worst, lost my bottle halfway through sch and didn't drink much water throughout the day... felt like something big was coming as i went home then...

and we still went bowling after sch on fri. and after the interminable committe meeting with qigong. spending half the ~2h in muffled giggles at the way he talks bout certain stuff, exchanging glances with the other com members whenever he says something unintentionally funny. wrong concept, as shiu hei and i like to say. oh yeah, on that, the minutes for the meeting just gotta be the funniest for any cca. where else can you find "Barbeques are unhealthy" and "some girls might not be willing to eat the cake for the fear of putting on weight" in a meeting about job scopes of the committee members? and halfway through the meeting, still remember how qigong emphasized for sze ern to write the word 'meaningless' down to describe some of the members' acts. well, expected from a teacher who would make you write "i did not finish the practical in time" on your paper or "I must leave my answers to 2 or 3 significant figures" on your tutorial in red ink. oh yeah, we might have a first aid blog up sometime soon. cool idea may ping proposed =)

okay, so back to bowling... didn't do so well this time round... averaged 116 for two games. about 4/5 closed frames... it's good to see i'm picking off at least 7/8 pins in every frame but again, consistency in closing frames and pockets... maybe i should just leave it to excuse that i'm not feeling exactly well.

and so we were walking outta grassroots. had been talking bout how i'm end up "squirming in bed, foaming, calling out for help" tomorrow when i wanted to borrow some money from aaron. then he went "since you'd be dying already, why would you need money?" "to hire a lawyer to write a will" -_-". guess it's one of those situations you gotta be there to get it. i wonder how my will will look like if i had to write it today knowing that i'd die tml...

let's see... savings and wallet to aaron. to thank him for all the countless time he lent me money. and, well, the $0.00 amount left in my savings and the empty wallet (oh, i still have $8 from the $10 i borrowed from him then) will make him understand why i'm always borrowing money from him... oh, and i might as well give him my handphone and all the other private stuff i may have for his peeping pleasure. i wonder how many times he has looked into my things without permission. runs in the sim family as i like to say

lol, aaron gets so much. zhen hao will get all my LE stuff for being as bai-chi as me to pay so much for useless stuff. bai-chi... the common chant we have whenever we find out he bought sth new at an exhorbitant price

oh well, enough of the crap. can't think of what else i might want to leave for others. and back to the topic, i'm still alive (though not kicking exactly)! good enough to continue indulging in my food, good enough to stare at my dear ol' pc's screen until my eyes kinda hurt. and yeah, it just isn't easy to rush tutorials for monday. keeping in mind i have all four tutorials. plus gp. and normally after one subject i'd be so pleased at having finished one assignment that i'm so tempted to stop. managed to hang on for one more today. but left with two tutorials hanging over my head... ugh... kinda hope i'd be sick enough to skip sch tml. as much as i don't like to miss sch. i'm being kinda schizo now i guess. double gp... BLAH...
well, enough for today then...

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