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Monday, July 04, 2005


Be With You, Lovely Bones

All those blog entries in my head but always don't seem to want to type them out when i'm actually in front of my dear ol' pc. oh well...

just watched be with you. nice! touching... though found it in the 'makes you believe in love' way and not in the 'sad and makes u wanna cry' way heh. thought it was gonna end at the part where mio goes away as a good, touching movie, but loved the last part when takumi read the diary. thought it made it a great, touching movie ^^. stayed back in the cinema after the show and did an observation on the people who cried lol...

6 teenage couples: didn't cry
1 elderly couple: both cried
2 teenage girls watching it together: both cried
1 lady watching it alone: cried
2 guys watching it together: didn't
1 teenage couple talking bout the show outside the cinema: the girl cried

hmm, seems to show a trend. but who cares heh. and symmetry in the groups that watched the movie lol. argh, i'm just thinking too much

fave part: the photo with the crush in the background. loved that when i first saw it in midori no hibi, one of my, if not the, favourite anime of all time. then all the coincidence were nice too and the more subtle stuff littered throughout the show... sunflowers, four-leaf clover, etc, etc... was planning to blog more bout it, but don't really feel like now... maybe next time

on a side note, my japanese's improving =). at least understanding common spoken phrases. still can't figure out much in anime, but think i catch bout a quarter or even more in the movie without looking at the subtitles. can even spot 2 errors in the subtitling lol. i just can't seem to put daisuki as 'i'm crazy for you' even in that context and midori's green, not some bird or something even though ~dori is often a bird... heheh. i'm still hoping to take japanese courses some day... wanna learn how to read written japanese. though i guess it's not much use now considering how li'l i'm gaming nowadays. and on taking courses there's still lip-reading i've always been interested in but haven't done anything about or even go find out where i can learn that.


so just finished a book. the lovely bones. by alice sebold. great imo... the first chapter was revolting, talking bout a child rape and murder but liked the narration after that. from heaven... and all the things that happened. great book. check it out. again more watered down than i had planned, but oh well... i should really invent some sort of device which allows you to translate thoughts into blogs. always think of stuff while travelling but don't feel like anymore when i'm here. so that's it for now...

you read the lovely bones?! it's my favourite book of all times. i cried like crazy. for some reason, the part where she jumps for joy for her sister's marriage made me bawl because it was so sad that she couldnt share in the joy and be there for her sister. alice sebold has another book, lucky that talks about her true live experience of being brutally raped when she was young. a very very sad read too.

whoa. somehow it feels so nice to know someone felt the same thing reading the book lol. i didn't 'bawl' but it was really touching heh.
and i can't help but think of ms ten's 'imagine the person marking your script is an old widow' or sth like that when reading it haha. felt the topic was done so sensitively... hmm, so it came from personal experience... shudders... heh, that's gonna be my next read after tuesday with morrie ^^.
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