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Saturday, June 11, 2005


Todd and Penguin

[Warning: Loads of image files]

Ever had one of those days where you just look out into the night sky and feel so minute, so insignificant. the world is passing by, and it's like you're the only one not moving along. not that the desire to follow this procession of spirit energy is burning in me, but ain't everything else so beautiful and achieving something...

in other news, been reading todd and penguin. a webcomic. it really rocks! haven't discovered a webcomic i've really caught on to since userfriendly and reallife. i always admire those webcomic artists... it's tough keeping a strip going, but it must feel so nice when other people appreciate your works and one of your strips make someone's day. greg (reallife) and dave (todd and penguin) always talks bout the joy of receiving fanmail... if only i can draw half decent and actually think of something funny and witty for once i'd sure love to keep one myself. but some things are impossible i guess.

compiled some of the todd and penquin strips i liked here for your viewing pleasure. my eyes are burning now... read through the archives in one sitting (thankfully it's just four years or so and dave got quite lazy some time in the process). and i was saying i was gonna do a top few garfield strips of all time... this's a good substitute lah i guss.

got linked to another webcomic... a very new one but looks really promising. ( like how the strip's developing.

ok, on to the select strips now. for more goodness ^^. (a penguin, a teddy bear (two actually), a cat... how can i not loooove this haha)

this makes a great wallpaper, don't ya think?

i love those references to other comics... think most of the strips i put here are bout them...

struck a chord. this always happens to poor pooky and my still unnamed golden retriever among others lol

ain't penguin so cuute? esp when he's up to some trick

i guess i shouldn't have added this... think it needs that reference to another strip before this to get the full chuckle

this was the strip dedicated to the september 11th attacks... thought it was done so sensitively and well...


another one =)

just though it was quite funny originally. but upon second look it seems like a reference to calvin and hobbes. wonder if it was intended...

3 out of 4 of my fave strips featured!

i guess i suck at picking "best of" strips... again the full joke behind this needs the knowledge of a previous story arc

can so identify with oscar (the cat) heh

the complete cuddly case ^^. well, except sally and jessika

just love it when oscar and penguin gets all fuzzy

Dave actually created the blog. ok, oscar did it ;). and there were four posts even. too bad it's no longer updated... next thing we know we'd see super penguin online ^^.

Hits the spot right on. lol, my mom always complains bout this ;-]

another more inside joke i guess

it's just great when you've read so much of the archives and one strip like this comes along and remind you of all the beautiful moments the comic had

i guess this has been done before in one way or another, but it still brought a hearty chuckle

todd always gets woken up at 5am to hear one of penguin's cute lines. thought holly's expression was drawn real wonderful. it's her turn now ^^.


penguin was so cute with the please part heh...

omg!penguin is sooo sweet! love him to bits. it's very very funny. i like it
hey im sooky btw
de-shou? yeah, he rocks! glad to know someone likes him too heh ^^
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