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Monday, June 06, 2005



It rocks ^^ haha. spent most of the day baking it. whoa, never knew kneading was this tough... pretty hard on the fingers, not on the arms which i expected... my hands are still trembling quite a bit now, and considering that my hands shake even without exertion it seems scary... i really think i'm bound to get parkinson's if i live old enough... most of the time the trembling's nothing much but it kinda gets on my nerves when i'm trying to deal with small things... threading needles, making handicrafts, etc... i just can't seem to focus my hands on that tiny spot. but oh well, i digress as always the case

so finally after much hard work ricecooker bread japan #2 is successful! yahoo! felt so good seeing it slowly expanding while letting it to ferment and seeing the end product... it tastes quite good too, pardon the bhb-ness... but i think the recipe didn't add enough sugar... wasn't sweet enough... and the saltiness came from the butter, not the salt which isn't perfect yet... i'm already starting to think bout my next attempt haha. wanna have a try with eggs but think chocalate sauce will be easier. oh well, for now i should just indulge in my beautiful creation ^^.

grr, i'm never good with words... hate it when i see someone down and can't do anything to help. the comforting words don't even come out right... bah.. brings me back to the time when our chinese o level results were released. huishan started crying after getting hers. (note to her: hope you don't mind me blogging bout it... tell me if u don't want to see it eh) it's expected for any person that don't have an ice-covered stone for his/her heart to try console i guess, but then i just couldn't do anything... could only motion for sharon to come over and help... just like situation now i guess..

been thinking bout friends these days... can't wait to catch up... realised that jun liang feels more like a family member than a friend. dunno whether tt's good or bad. it's like even though we don't meet up much nowadays, not even for ball cos of the schedules i guess sigh, whenever we do, it just feels like nothings much have happened in between. there doesn't seem to be a need to catch up or anything.. like we can just talk and do whatever stuff together and pick up from the point we last left off. and i think too many a times i take him for granted. as if we'd always be friends and never lose contact. with other groups of friends i often feel this need to get them out cos deep down i'm afraid that the last gathering was the last one everand slowly without realising it we just distance from each other and lose contact. but with jun liang i seem to be always waiting for him to get sth going. again i wonder if tt's good or bad... whether i should do sth bout it or just leave it as it is... these grey areas in life... guess that's what makes it special, doesn't it?

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