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Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Initial D

(Spoilers alert)

It rocks! Really. Best movie i've watched this year. Didn't even plan to watch it in the first place. But while having brunch before chinese listening shiu hei was talking bout it and how it was good. and somehow he described it in a way that's i started to feel like going. even how he says you can witness jay chou's acting skills start from horribly fake and slowly improving seem attractive. went to jubilee. timing too long after the listening ends. contemplated going aaron's house to watch the pirated vcd version but decided not to cos the quality would probably be downright horrible considering it's a vcd and it must be taped. so went yishun in the end.

dunno how to describe it... but go watch it everyone lol. jay was just so funny throughout the show. so it wasn't really intended at the start where he really looked fake, and the director seemed to be into stopping occasionally at people's expressions for a li'l while. i find it really weird that even though his face is the same almost throughout the show, it seemed to fit in perfectly. i loved the part where he choked on the buns. the female lead seems inexperienced in acting as well and even though their performance isn't good technically it was good. um, crap, i don't know what i'm talking bout. you just gotta see it to believe it. i'm so glad the seat in front of me wasn't occupied. laughed so hard at the scene i can't help bending forward with all the li'l movements, etc. and throughout the show i was kinda giggling lor whenever it wasn't a part bout racing. i love jay's expressions and faces throughout. even the 'obviously with eye-mo on crying look'. haven't had so much fun in the cinemas for a long, long time. and as if that isn't good enough, the two 'old birds' have tons of funny scenes loaded too. and the racing's pretty cool though only one track for the whole movie's got a li'l old at the end. and the love story's a li'l stick on and kinda unconventional ending but makes u think too... i really enjoyed this lor. wouldn't even mind watching it a second time (few movies ever made it into my worth a second look list lor) if not for financial aspects and another whole lot of movies i also wanna catch.

ok, back to real life. physics tml. sian. hadn't planned to study until i was reminded of the e-lecture we were supposed to do during the holidays which i haven't touched at all. e-lectures are gonna be the death of me lor. at tj i still remember the e-lecture on gas law which til now, i still have not accessed. and that is despite feeling all confused except for pv=nRT during tutorials. feng shiu just isn't right at home heh... and now, this... couldn't find the e-lecture at all. got wei long to send me the lecture notes. read through them once. but don't understand half of them even though they're supposed to be largely o level stuff. but i really don't feel like studying anymore. just gotta pray hard for tml i guess.

Was laughing hard at Jay's crying part and other *emo* parts. HAHAHAA. But overall, the show is nice to watch!
of course nice to watch! my idol what. jay chou rocks. im watching tmr. cheers!

i want to watch today but for the sake of money, gg to tahan it until tues.

anyway, i gave up on gas laws long ago.
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