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Thursday, June 16, 2005


Crap, junk and all the bull that have been building up

Dear blog readers

just skip this entry. just full of crap, rants and rave about just-bout-anything that happened to me recently in the best sleep-inducing monotone description as i can use. Avoid at all costs except when suffering insomnia

The Managment]

(AtrriSet: Humor=0) (Note: i'm just in one of those moods where i try to be funny. prepare to roll your eyes a thousand times over)

Financial management... grr... to think i was the class treasurer. and i was actually playing this up during the first aid exco interview though i'm running for presidency, not for the treasurer spot. and just two days into the week i'm over my week's allowance... bah. and i still haven't watched all the movies i've set out to. hope madagascar's not over come next week. hitchhiker too... mr and mrs smith gotta wait for a while i guess... wonder how long benji will screen. think i'd leave monster-in-law to dvds/vcds/downloads

so it all happened on fateful monday. decided to start my studying one week early from planned cos the last week seemed to be real packed, what with 04 chalet, temasek seminar and first aid outing... but before i headed off to amk lib (i love how aj's close to it... just pick everything up at the lockers and throw them back in when i'm done)

decided to have a li'l fun in the arcades. plan was to spend five bucks but they had this offer where you'd get 11 credits for 10. so thought of investing the ten bucks and coming back next week. shoulda known i would have spent all of them... and on arcades, can't other people just give newbies some space... was waiting for some time before the maximum tune machine was free. all was clear until i started the game and all of a sudden a whole bunch of other people were bunching up behind the machines. then staring at how crappy i am so they weren't rude or anything, and one actually offered to help me clear one stage when i was losing but being the self-conscious typical singaporean... it was already so tough concentrating, telling myself the gear is on the left and i'm even more distracted cos of that... grr, wonder whether the americans or everyone else are the ones who have nothing better to do and come up with the right-side/left-side drive system... i want my left hand on the wheel. maybe i should just make myself look like a dumb weirdo and drive with my hands crossed.. but oh well, i digress.

so proceeded to study. surprisingly i managed to avoid the temptation of the brownies, wedges and other pastry/finger food. but the beverage card costs 10+.

after i was done, felt like bowling. went grassroots. again, me and my plans... thought of playing two games. somehow my hook came back this time. so used the entire of the first game to adjust my lines... still can't get my hook strong enough to start from the center, but oh well... played decent on the second game, 140+ but kept getting brooklyns so decided to go for a third... working on my consistency in hitting the pocket and clearing leaves now... aiming for a 200, or somewhere around there before i request for a ball from my dad. playing in evening leagues when i get older has been one of my on-off targets. so the third game, and fourth, and fifth... self discipline indeed. and i was deluding myself with the thought that i'm saving on the shoe rental by playing more games at a go and coming once a week instead of twice which i was planning to... (and on that, i should really get my pair of shoes... have wasted so much on rentals).

and continuing the mood of crapping and ranting for this entry, i think i played decent. at least an 8 on every frame... and closed around 5, which isn't bad i suppose but i really need to work on stringing the strikes and spares... dunno what's with the bowling mania recently. only two years ago or so i decided to forgo bowling seriously cos i didn't seem to be improving enough and was wasting too much money being unhappy with myself. but now the craze's back i guess. current plan's to bowl once a week (more if i can afford it lol) and work on consistency... upgraded to 14 pound recently.. i like the balance, but it gets real tiring on the fingers if i'm playing by myself without pacing... and i can go on and on and on...

so i am left with bout 10 bucks for the rest of the week. thought it was alright if i control myself and limit my spending to only important meals... but then my love for snacks always gets the better of me. and ash got us out for dota... i wonder if i can get enough money for the chalet. would probably be bowling lots if hinho and i can infuse the craze into the group heh...

still with me? today i just feel like typing and typing and not stopping bout my life. like every li'l action of mine is so important and people actually care. did a count yesterday with aaron... i have only 6 days left to study what with everything going on. and considering i still have a sizeable chunk of stuff uncompleted from before the holidays i have like a day for every topic. maybe 2 if i count the day right before the exam itself... oh no. and holidays are as good as over now i guess. bout an hour of leisure or less after waking up and it's off to study. then upon reaching home it's bout dinner time. only difference is my mom only nags at my late sleeping when it's 2 instead of when it's 11 during school days i think...

recently not so hyped up bout the chalet anymore... 3 days, wonder what we'd do there. as nice as i think the class is it's still some way away from e1. and while i feel quite comfortable with almost everyone it still feels a li'l different. it's like at the e1 chalet i could just lie down at one corner and relax. the guitars, singing, cards, mahjong and whatnot just seemed to blend in perfect harmony and i'm part of it. still not very close with anyone in particular in 04. at tj can still sit down with yi chao and talk for ages bout everything under the sun. though we did not attend any one of the cg outings heh. but guess it just takes time. hope there would be 3 other mahjong junkies. the class's obsession with board games is quite fun but it can get boring quite easily. and it's already a fact that only 1 in 1258796 people appreciate and play the same video games as i do, so tt's out i guess. don't think i'd lug my gamecube as much as i love multiplayer games on them.

k, enough ranting for today i guess... perhaps i should give sleeping earlier a try...

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