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Thursday, June 02, 2005



somebody gimme a life... and i was bashing aaron for not having one a few weeks ago... it's just loads of sleep, sleep and more sleep laced with going back to sch for pw, pe remedial, gaming and anime. i need to go out there and do something more man. ok, things to look forward to... class chalet, dunno whether they'd have it planned. star wars with shiu hei and co sometime soon. organise sth, probably another lan session with the li'l group... hmm, that's all i guess... and sleep and sleep more...

was reminiscing the p sch days... think it's cos of hearing bout aj choir going to czech... the yangqin/ruan days... took out the vcd we had made during the performance at perth... come to think of it that was such a nice time, going overseas with friends... i'd sure like to have tt experience again sometime, this time without parents and teachers tagging along... had talked bout it with lymon before, but guess it'd be after ns before we'd have this chance. and even then i wonder if i'd have a close-knit group of friends to go with or can find the time to do so...

well, i digress.. the vcd... makes u think how powerful and precious videos/photos are... a time i don't wanna forget, just click and there you have it, that moment framed... tt's why i've always been so insistent of having group photos during our class outing (though i almost always forget as well haha)... it's memories i don't wanna let go. i dunno if i'd be able to keep in contact (sure hope so) but at least the photo can help me remember bout the times where we were together given the forgetful me. i still have some neoprints i took in like p4-6 and i kinda regret not keeping in touch with my p sch friends... i wonder why taking neoprints don't seem so popular with guys i know haha. or as clement would say, so gay lor lol.

couldn't bear finishing the video... had to stop halfway. just couldn't take it or... the perth trip was perhaps the peak of the yangqin/ruan days... winning our second consecutive (4th for some of us ^^) syf gold didn't come as close... neither was getting that 3rd place in the national competition, or that christmas celebration at xu lao shi's house... or so many other times... i kinda remember i blogged quite some time back bout hoping to meet william some day. hope that day will come...

on something else, i love yakitate japan! (guess i should put this on the anime blog but i've been leaving tt so stagnant so might as well... gotta catch up...) have always loved bread and pastry from young. always spend so much snacking on them... so as if it wasn't nice enough showing us out-of-the-world bread of your fantasy, the recent episode taught how to bake your own simple JAPAAAN! (heard some stores in japan are selling some of the JAPAAANs... argh... but oh well, this is just as good i guess) nice! first time i got so hyped up from an anime. gonna get my dad to get some of the ingredients... will be trying out soon. i'd so looking forward to that haha. rice cooker bread... interesting... haven't cooked except for simple instant noodles and eggs since home econs. finally.. tt reminds me, why did i forget how to make the huat keuh. still remembered the one i did with yanda... it actually 'cracked' when many others' didn't... oh well

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