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Monday, May 30, 2005


Photos galore

Just one of those days where i have the eye for pretty things... argh, so nice, so expensive...

ok, so this two are definitely out of question...

Within financial capability but means have to do without so many things. think just have to let the urge cool down and not see these pictures... niishino's so kawaii haha. rukia, kon...

isn't this cool. keyboard without any inprints on the keys. dunno whether it's a joke or real thing but i'd sure like to have tt lor... but shipping = out of the question again...


now to sth unrelated... friday was pretty fun. started off with first aid duty. no need to listen to some boring sl talk ^^. no one got injured, so halfway through the thing me, zhen hao and candy just went audi watch totoro-chan. so cute!!! then brought snacks inside audi too... nice. they stopped the screening before it was over... grrr... don't really see the story but the animations are nice and funny...

later had party for ming tao who's going to ntu. we took wrong pizza haha, but nice. then the crazy photo taking began again. how nice to be able to just sit back and let others take photos without needing to nag and nag haha.

some time back after gp lesson


they didn't tell me they were celebrating yongsheng's bday two weeks before... grr... or probably i'm sleeping when they told the class. pic so nice lor...

we were supposed to swear to our gp buddies that we'd do our jobs -_-"

so we promised not to blog bout eng wen... but heck lah. one of his funny poses again. dunno whether he'd be coming back after holidays. hope he does. though frankly i have to say i prefer mrs tan's lessons as boring as they are cos i think i'd do better but his lesson's not bad. and you can kinda see his passion. maybe his thinking a bit off from us sometimes, but he's a good teacher. and gp's like english under him sometime. dunno good or bad... on one hand we won't need to do the homo impromptu skit if it's a new teacher, but hopes he comes back lah.

thurs at grassroots


lunch on fri

so after that, went play pool. fun. then decided to go watch guitar + harmonica concert. yong sheng and anna were like asking everyone to go for the entire week but still it turned out to be last minute decision with six of us. i thought it was better than the band/co one even though it's smaller scale and it's obvious that they weren't as skilled.

thought harmonica's part was nicer (3 vs 2 vote)... i think tt's what i call correct choice of song. maybe sth co/band can learn. they kinda covered up the lack of polish by playing simple and familiar tunes we can all identify with. and i liked the conductor haha. quite old man and sometimes he seems more like practising tai chi/qi gong or whatever than conducting but you can see the passion in him about music. then after the concert he was talking bout how he enjoy teaching the ensemble and striving for greater heights in chinese. seemed to have ended his 'speech', so we were clapping, then he went to the other mic and started talking in english thanking pple. such a joker. just have to be there to get the thing. i liked his passion... would love to play under him. but i'd probably never play music 'seriously' again

they gave us encores! unlike the co/band thing haha. $5 well spent. tong hua! nice ^^. then the collaboration between guitar and harmonica for qing tian. nice as well ^^. a li'l fast and got mixed up in the middle but still great

kinda obvious why they got silver... some glaring errors here and there and they just don't look at the conductor. he was like willing everyone to go louder, etc but no response. but brings me to my point. syf and concerts for students are two very different things. could see co was gold-calibre but they song-selection...

guitar imo not so well-done, but alrite. the lilo and stitch hawaiin song with the guy dressed up and singing was good. really admire that guy singing, showed off the correct spirit. then hotel california on acoustic guitar was surprisingly nice. but aj idol was sick or sth and they had a girl singing it instead. and she had to look at lyrics to sing. of course it didn't go through. she had a nice voice but just lacked the rock and oldie style. and kinda void of emotion imo.... then others were good but nothing spetacular


slept like a log these days. i think the past two days i've been sleeping longer than i've been awake. great, can replenish all the sleep. wonder how pe remedial will be tml. i need to go back get my cert soon. had a dream bout announcement of first aid exco results lol. got in but treasurer. terence (not peh) became president, sth we've kinda been fearing. only another one of our 'clan' got into exco. hope won't be true. lol, i'm even dreaming bout first aid now. must stop reading the manual.

[Thanks to hinho for the pics]

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