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Saturday, May 14, 2005


The days crawl by

As usual, the week just slowly inch towards the holy grail also known as the weekends... it's just one big ardulous journey of five days every week where every day seems to roll together into one... i don't even remember much of what happened... the basic stuff, sleeping in every other lecture, trying to stay awake in tutorials, mugging, the horrible pe, reaching home after 8, can't seem to stay awake after 12, rushing homework in the morning... there was also a debate and the first aid exco interview but neither are really mention-worthy either....

oh yeah, started an anime blog.
too lazy to even add a simple link on the navigation bar of sorts. since i don't seem to find anything bout my life to blog i shall use this ranting energy on anime. hope it can turn out as well done as some of the others out there

think finally managed to get past the shaking of head and sighing stage... time to flip the page

the anime blog is NICE =)mar is vv nice, but tsubasa is kind of like crawling...5 eps and it's still stuck at the first book.
wow... realised how far behind i am in catching those series... and u read the manga too. so cool... yup, mar seems very nice so far ^^.
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