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Sunday, April 24, 2005


Rants, laments and more rants

Argh... my dear ol' pc down with virus... the kelvir.ah worm tt'd been circulating around msn for some time. new variant, so no fix yet... grr... so now i'm stuck without msn til fix comes out. i never really chat much anyway, but don't really feel right without it. hope i didn't infect those pple whom the virus sent the messages to...

was quite angry this evening when first found out bout it. felt like just lashing out at my sis. tt makes it the 3rd/4th time? and just right after i cleared a trojan horse yesterday... i understand with spyware and adware, but really contracting most viruses is just stupid. use a li'l common sense, be careful of the links u click/sites u visit or stuff you download, ensuring that the names at least look half decent and u'd probably go through a few years without getting one... but guess it's exactly tt lack of it tt companies like symantec and mcafee actually operate... i still don't believe in shelling out money when u can save all tt trouble and the memory anti-virus programs gobble up by practising a li'l diligence while surfing, but i'm tired of wasting all this time cleaning up someone else's mess...

i was like having the day planned, k, i am gonna go for 2 hours of gaming and then sit down and study for tml's test and maybe complete some tutorials due and newspaper article (which reminds me i've not done any of them... crap... just what am i doing here...), then find out bout it and tried to fix it to no avail. frustration was bottling up, just kept hurling vulgarities at no one in particular while waiting for the snail-pace scanning of the pc with this program and that program, then searching the web around to find other possible solutions... so far all i've found are the older ones (and they're only just 4 days old... means my dear pc's one of the first to catch this variant... bah) so stuck without it. decided to nap after that to cool off a bit, gamed for a while just now and here i am with nothing done. the frustration's kinda like when my graphic card was giving me problems but worse cos it seems like there's more on my part which i can do and i could so easily lay the blame on someone...

i hate it when i can't control my emotions... just like yesterday morning when i slipped into wallowing in self doubt and self pity, just wanting to shake my head and sigh the day away. come on, mr kelvin soh... this's not the way to be done! a new week, so new start? but i don't wanna face the reality of all that i've not done. every new week means more stuff tt'd been pushed back. i've only been doing the bare necessities these days, doing things at the very last minute and even sometimes not completing certain stuff. hoping the term will end soon then really start on a new page next term hopefully, though the common tests don't really seem like sth to look forward to either...

friday was pretty nice... after sch tried to figure out the maths problem for maths week to earn a graphical calculator but well, couldn't. but always like thinking of these weird problems though it meant i was too tired at the end of it to do anything else. then went grassroots for our usual slacking. terence tagged along the group, which was nice... kinda sad to hear bout his table tennis stuff, i understand how he's feeling haha.

so we invented 3 player pool... now we have rules for 5 player one too lol. then bowled. so happy, broke my personal best ^^. 177! then had a 120+ which means average of 150+! yay! makes me wanna bowl regularly again. i really should get a pair of shoes. or maybe even a ball haha if i can keep it up. but next week's itinery gonna be movie, at least if i can convince them

later had dinner together without zhenhao who had a ride home. nice, but made me think bout being more sensitive bout conversational topics next time too. on way home realised i left my ezlink card with the people at grassroots. ran back, phew, still there. wanna thank shiu hei for staying with me through tt. and even wasted the money for one trip. k, enough rants for today

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