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Monday, April 04, 2005


Just a note

Feel kinda bad bout not blogging more often... but life's just going too fast. so many things i wanna do it seems... wanna work hard, have fun and yet slack. and definitely i've no time for all this. been extending bed times to try do more stuff but just end up getting really tired most of the time. will come back to completing my last entry sometime soon, cover things up very briefly bout the past week or two (guess i have to skip orientation stuff and the horrible nightmare and skim past the other parts)... but i always say that and end up ranting bout anything under the sun and have a rather long entry anyway.

well, will try update if i have the time and actually had enough slacking and leisure. work's kinda killing me. sigh, was in a kinda grumpy mood today. hate these days. most of the times i try to just keep to myself til it goes away to avoid potential trouble, but dunno if i managed to do so today. nothing i can see of yet but hope i've not offended anyone or anything along the likes of tt. i'm never good at social stuff and conversation normally already and this mood doesn't help at all. at least it's over for now, and as i say i sincerely wish tt i've not irked anyone and humbly apologise if i have done so. i think lack of sleep's causing this, so think should retire early now. may the next moody day not come anytime soon

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