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Sunday, April 17, 2005


Day out with friends

So i managed to get things planned, which was really nice. And all 5 of them actually gave a yes, which was even nicer... still can't help but think of eric, but no point... in the end, aaron was still at beach road when we met, asked him to call us when he reached amk but no news and he didn't turn up. junio and patrick joined us... so we played dota, for so long til 8+ then went sumo house for dinner. junio had to go early. 5 of us again (5's just such a magical number for our group...) later everyone had left sumo house so we went off to mac to continue our conversation until bout 11 when ash had to leave so we all went home...

i don't really know how to explain it, but being with good friends is really a magical thing. i was just musing to myself how we can just meet up at the mrt station and just talked like it's just right after the last time we met. and being with friends just makes me able to forget whatever i'm thinking before. hanging out with my class these days is fun but still, sometimes my mind goes out wandering. not with our group here

main topic today was all about lymon and his wonderful time at sr... we all wanted to kill him at mac haha. happy for him but hate him for reminding me what i don't have. loads of laughs in between, jibes too, all for a nice time. really i don't wanna lose contact. when we were saying our goodbyes ash said 'c'ya soon' and somehow it kinda hit me. yeah, i truly, sincerely want to meet them soon. but seems like nothing will happen unless i go get another plan around. but i'm kinda afraid tt there's only so much dota we can play. and even if we switch to sth mainstream too, so much movies we can watch. i never like to repeat what i do twice... it's like i don't want to be the culprit for making things boring and routine. but when i think along those lines i just don't think of anything at all and before we know it, we're going on with our own lives...

during the trip back i felt kinda empty. i really hope it's just the pain of parting or just plain envious of lymon. couldn't finish a song at all on the ipod cos they all seem so not right... come to think of it, there was a time where i was fine being a loner... in fact, there are times i just enjoy being alone... but guess it was a one-way trip when i started opening up? i've been denying myself thinking time quite well these days... the trip to sch i'd be shrouded in the blues and fatigue to notice anything. at school there'd be my class. after school will almost always be with shiu hei, zhen hao and aaron. going home with zhen hao and shiu hei. and after 10min walk from the mrt station i'm back with my pc and bed... maybe tt's good in a sense

i shouldn't be feeling this way... melancholy? i used to promise myself to look back at memories with a smile, and i think i still do. sometimes during travelling i'd just think of a sweet memory and think how nice those days were. but i don't let them affect how i view the present. hope i haven't strayed from tt. nvm, things will probably go back to that mindless churning tml once sch starts. still so much work undone but oh well, let's just take things one step at a time

hugged pooky to sleep last night, and the 4th dream i can remember this time since a time. it's like i only dream when i hug him haha. seems like some kind of symbol lor...

i'm wishing for time to slow down, but yet hoping slightly less than 2 months will just pass by like that...

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