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Tuesday, March 08, 2005


The Weekends

in recounting mood these days so just wanted to recap the weekends. saturday was pure geek day... spent whole day from morning til midnight or so in front of the pc... long time since i managed to get into gaming so much, and coupled with anime 'intermissions' now and then whole day done just like that...

sunday almost threatened to be the same. was on computer from morning til bout 2+ when it was time for lunch. parents away in m'sia so decided to go mac have lunch and 'shun bian' read the papers (my, really living the life of a basement dork then... pc all the time, fast food and even sth simple like buying the newspaper seem so ardulous...) but never mind. saw an article on toys, which obviously was referring to action figures. but then made me think bout plushies and decided to check out some of the sites listed. some shops indeed sell plush toys and most in city area so headed to town.

went on my pooky search then, and first time i didn't stray from the 'mission'... in the end managed to get hold of the last one in a shop in far east... ^^. so was done at bout 4 but decided to linger around for a while, walking bout for a bit.

strayed a bit off my usual path strictly along orchard road and filled in a few more places in my mental map of the place... then went on food hunt like i always like to do once in a while... dinner just on snacks... nice ^^. let's see, i had cookies, both mrs fields and famous amos, hagen daz, macdonald's cheapskate icecream (surprisingly they managed to get the texture right this time round... if only can couple that texture with the taste of hagen daz...), a brownie from some cafe, japanese satay, takoyaki, curry puff, waffle ice cream, latte at spinelli (finally got to taste it.. great!).. so revived my suppressed sweet tooth now... can't do without a chocalate bar daily these few days... time to rein myself in a bit...

then had a great time at hmv just listening to music through the headphones, closing eyes and just let the melody take over. listened to half of some of the nicer cds before moving on... surprisingly no urge to buy anything this time, so all the better. also got to listen to jay chou's live vcd... heard bout the made-up lyrics from lymon and got to hear it first hand... really funny... too bad he kinda slipped into a mumble halfway through, couldn't make out anything after the interesting first part.

nothing much in particular other than that. visited lots of shop, walked til legs sore, and that's all... now thinking back, 3+ to bout 9... i wonder how i managed that. time seemed to pass quite fast

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