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Thursday, March 17, 2005


[Watered down] Shopping spree

i swear i thought of so many things to blog bout since last friday but tt's the problem when one puts sth off... don't you hate it when you forget what you wanted to do just a moment ago (ok, so this time it isn't exactly 'a moment ago' but just a few days lah)... always so many times i find myself walking to the living room then when i'm there, wonder to myself what i came out of my room for. other times i'd come to a folder or webpage on my pc and then start thinking the reason for me doing that.... and i've never found the answer.

and there's still a memory when i was so, so small. was in kindergarden i think, no school then, still sleeping with parents thought with mattress on the floor in their room... was in a half-asleep state of mind when i remembered i went to the toilet seemingly looking for sth. it felt like sth precious was there, but i couldn't find anything... i actually cried then lol. and since then (at least tt's the first incident i can remember) i've always had trouble with short-term memory (not tt i cry nowadays haha).

but i digress.. main point of this entry to recount from saturday to tues/wed. ok, just one or two more entries after this and it's back to the present at last. to think i originally had so much to say. but two paragraphs of rants is good excuse enough for myself i guess...

bought lots of stuff those days. on saturday, finally got my ipod ^^. ipod mini 4gb blue to be more precise. would have liked the u2 one but tt's so much more expensive... just glad my parents actually agreed to get me one. travelling's never the same now. gba + ipod combo will probably last for some time until the killer ds/psp game comes out. the purchase also relit a passion for music again. the last time i was so into music was like primary school..

and on music, simple plan's coming to singapore! really want to go watch them, but 50 bucks is a lot for someone really broke and still went on a shopping spree recently... and also gotta convince pple to go with me if i want to. not much time left... hmm, i really want to experience the atmosphere of a concert, and i believe simple plan can bring that. wasn't their biggest fan after the first album and as good as i think 'perfect' and 'welcome to my life' are never really followed them. but only recently when i got their latest album (took some time eh) and they had this track of perfect live at anaheim, it just captivated me... the way the crowd was singing along to the music, etc, their banter... great ^^. but now that i think bout it don't think i can make it with such short time left and the ticket prices...

but i digress again. hmm, forgot how sunday passed. forgot how monday passed by as well, except i got the garfield dvd. watched on tues morning (i think... seems like i don't remember anything...) really disappointing. so i know the garfield movie in itself was disappointing, but i got over that cos it's just garfield. how can i hate it lol. but then after forking out so much more to get the dvd, and region one at that compared to some asian version vcd, i'd expect a fair bit of extras. but except for the short commentary there was nothing at all (except the movie of course lah). i want deleted scenes! i want some original artwork! i want something from jim davis! and hey, a few extra features like simple games etc won't hurt either. and surely u can have a collecter's edition or sth, make me pay more but gimme the animated garfield series (which coincidentally is still on my to-buy list)... but nvm, i still won't use the words rip-off. i'm a staunch garfield fan after all, maybe a stupid one i don't care haha.

think it was tuesday, went on the official shopping spree. starting out at ps, but this time decided to alter my route, heading for city hall with 'stopovers' at funan, peninsula, bras basah. looked in the citylink mall but gave suntec a miss (went there too many times recently). then finally walked to parco bugis and then sim lim before home. bought lots of stuff...

let's see, got an idlewild cd, yellowcard dvd, lilo and stitch AND stitch vcd, a doggie plushie (a cute labrador retriever! ^^ too bad no golden retrievers, but it do as fine), skies of arcadia, mike gayle's his 'n hers. still so much i wanna buy lol. have now drawn up a list of items i wanna get, prioritised them, scouting for prices now and then lol. first item up on the list now's the finding nemo region one dvd ^^

so now i'm horribly broke as usual... still gonna go cuppage eat this sat with the sggamers bunch... hope parents can chip in some... been going back to sleep after waking up due to my human alarm clock at around 8 so that i can have brunch, one meal down. trying my best to eat at home... just cutting down loads... that is until temptation takes over again... oh well, let's hope the next shopping spree won't come too far in the future

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