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Friday, March 04, 2005


Sleepy Days

really sleepy the last two days... didn't think i attended lessons at all on thursday cos i think i slept more than half of them away... 6 lessons that day, and fell asleep in all sleep. and deep ones at that where i have no idea of what the teacher had said... some teachers woke me up, but i fell to sleep just a li'l after and next i know the next teacher is in the classroom already... guess ponning school for 3 days in a row making me all accustomed to slacking now...

went to amk central after that hoping to study to catch up on some stuff since i've missed out so much, but got rotiboy and curry puff and went home after that. can't blame me lah, the rain makes it so tempting to not study. back home, fell yet asleep again for a long afternoon nap. woke up for dinner, then slept early at 11...

and i thought sleeping so much for one day will make me less tired today. looks like not and lessons passed through as usual with me slumped on the table. at least chem prac at the end managed to keep me awake (imagine sleeping while titrating -_-') nap again... bah, gotta learn to survive with less sleep now. so much i've missed, so much tutorials undone... i gotta start picking up soon... maybe during the weekends.. maybe...

Rie Fu is oso doing e 3rd ending song for gundam seed destiny
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