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Wednesday, March 23, 2005



Really wanted to blog lots of stuff the past two days to finally catch up to the present before 2nd intake starts, but had to be down ill. Bah... kinda tired to blog today too, and it's really tough trying to write bout something which you no longer feel that much strongly for compared to that spur of the moment. but it's just my fault that i pushed it back... i promise myself here that i'd finish things up by the long weekend...

now reminders for myself on what to blog:-
-- old house, staying in the north, yangqin and my convenient excuses, adapting to jc life, time to let memories go and move on
-- Class outing, ace's birthday/sggamers outing, back to marina south
-- Robots/meeting up with sggamers pple again, mom's bday gift
-- Sick
-- Pre-2nd intake resolutions (kinda lame typing it after it started, but oh well, i want to get it down and look at it whenever i'm starting to feel crappy bout jc)
-- Orientation day 1

Again i swear there seemed to be more but might as well... i've too many stuff overdue anywhere. would probably like to blog bout day 2 too, lots piling on. maybe i can get the blog updated on friday at one long, long sitting, then slack a li'l... weekend one of the days i must start catching up a li'l on the stuff i missed during my ponning streak... at least the library's so close to sch now and i can just pop by after lessons... or maybe i should visit woodlands lib cos it's on the way home... or maybe go visit jeff at jurong if he's still there (i still want to treat him cos he kinda helped loads in my studying for o levels haha). still have two fmaths topics tt wasn't thought in tj yet, but guess i'd handle that some other time... looks like i've crapped too much. till next time then

PS: New song. As much as i loved Life is Like a Boat listening to it too much will just dilute it's 'niceness'... 'Thank You' by Dido it is this time. The first time i listened to it didn't enjoy it so much but i slowly liked it after hearing it a few times... quite nice imo. no way near life is like a boat though haha

PPS: Sooklee and avril, if you're reading this i miss your blogs lol.
To Avril: Have wanted to say that since you stopped ur blog quite some time back. Hope u'd get back to it soon ^^
And hope the diaryland server gets back up running soon. can't wait to read ur entries, sooklee haha. thought the last few entries really got what i was feeling. it's like u mentioned to solve the 'mystery' which i couldn't describe in words myself.
Goes out to all other bloggers too. Blog often! Very few things as nice as reading new blogs, whatever they're about (unless u're talking bout pple like xiaxue...)

dun worry, i guess i'll reopen my blog soon. how's aj? hahaha. the orientation is lame, but i hope you'll enjoy AJ life. anyway we'll all be there for 1.75 years.

hey! tt's very nice of you. hehee... well, diaryland's up but i've been crapping about my sucky jc life as usual. but it's nice to know someone actually misses my blog. hehee..
yeah, aj's very much alrite. think i won't do too bad there. the 1.75 yrs shouldn't be too draggy. optimistic bout days come
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