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Sunday, March 13, 2005


Old Geezer (Wed/Thurs Recap: Ponning Pwns!)

i feel so much like an old geezer now, one who knows his memory's deteriorating and wanna write everything down so that he can remember all those memories... not tt my memory's tt bad, but these are days i don't wanna forget... i wanna blog bout everything tt happened in my obscure, insignificant life (i like it tt way too anyway), wanna take pictures of the things i see... all that's holding me back is this innate laziness of mine which will be hard to best. let's see what comes out victorious in the next few days...

so gonna recap on wed and thurs... long due man... so on wednesday, dreading school as usual after how much i've ponned the past week but trying to tell myself hol's just a few days away and i should make it until at least noon before my day end thanks to selective ponning. so there i was, dreading those lessons on the bus but still attempting my best to reassure myself it'd be over in my jiffy. so i got to sch, and lymon and co told me their plans... pon school to play lan

of course i couldn't resist the temptation and tagged along. on one hand was pretty reluctant cos i'd miss civics and might run into trouble with the civics tutor and also ponning those tutorials that day meant i'd probably pon them for the rest of the week. but tt's not important... but it's just so bo liao... take a trip almost an hour and a half just to take attendance and pon sch...

at first went to niner, wasn't opened yet so went to amk raiders... i hate wearing my shirt inside out, but nvm... i never bring an extra shirt along in case of these things. as usual i'm clueless bout dota, but at least i'm starting to get the hang of things... for now seem pretty alright. sustain the level of interest and i'd be getting the original copy in a few days... at least i didn't die tt many times lah... the most but then again this is like, my 2nd time playing...

after that went sumo house for lunch. lymon went back to sch (it seems like whenever we pon sch he'd go back to sch) leaving me, aaron and lik. oh yeah, on the bus on the way there aaron met his grandma. and instead of scolding him for ponning she gave her $50! so of course we got the free meal out of him. got a set meal, japanese satay and some sushi... nice ^^. thanks aaron ('s grandma)... went for my usual round of rotiboy and curry puff after that and off we went back home.

but before we had lunch, i helped a wheelchair-bound old lady from s11 across the street to outside the mrt station. i did a good deed ^^, so tt should wipe up the sin of ponning (but then again, i'm not religious so oh well). it seems like a short distance but my was it tough pushing the wheelchair... makes me think how much tougher it is for the old lady to push herself around... it's like pushing an overweight luggage trolley that doesn't steer well and goes so slowly, have to constantly look out for obstacles and bumps on the floor and my is it tough avoiding people and pillars... then while i was pushing her she went bout saying how dangerous jaywalking is. how she used to do that before she lost her leg thanks to an incident and scolding those jaywalkers... not tt it'd stop me from jaywalking anytime soon but i'd take heed to be extra careful...

ok, so on to thurs. plan was to go watch hitch at 12 with the usual group (sans ash, but then again he's not joined as since the first time watching seoul raiders... so the four of us should be considered the usual group lah)... so an incentive to attend lessons til then. but as always, dreading lessons on the bus and wanted to propose ponning at 10.30

but then lik and lymon both ponned sch. at first we still dunno where they are, so attended the first lecture but after knowing that me and aaron totally have no mood to continue the day. went to the canteen for breakfast instead of attending the second period and finally came to a decision to pon after that. off we went, aaron home and me to amk.

watched unfortunate events first. only four people in the cinema including me... cool! ok movie but nothing really spectacular or noteworthy... but thought it was decent until the next movie. now feel like it's a lousy show...

so after unfortunate events ended i ran out of the cinema to the ticketing booth hoping i was still in time for the next showing of hitch. thankfully only five minutes late so got the tickets. so tt continues my streak of a few years i think of not catching the start of a movie... great show it was. damn funny and feel-good movies are just the way to go.

plan was for a marathon and continue with robots but was stoned after hitch. decided to take a break wandering around central to see if i can take another movie later on. saw bleach and school rumble manga... dunno whether i wanna get them. but then again i'm so broke now with loads of games, cds, dvds, magazines and books on the to-buy list. oh well. (out of point) i've got an idea... (let's see if i can still remember what this meant next time i see it)

hmm, still got two/three more entries planned but then dynamic equilibrum of laziness and recounting have been reached for now (/end crap) til next time...

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