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Thursday, March 17, 2005


Just some things i just wanna say out

so i still have some more recaps to do but i can't hold this back, cos this sudden wave of emotions just come and i know i have to get them down somewhere, somehow...

msn nicks can say a lot sometimes... and seems like things don't seem to be going well with my friends... hope they don't mind me saying this stuff out though there's nothing much bout them. so first there's lymon...

:( Sim_1 [e=O.N.e.d.E.r.S]™ am i even allowed to cry??? :'(

i guess it has sth related to idol? which is kinda sensitive topic considering what happened so i can't really confirm. but whatever's the case i think it's pretty sad to see him like that. he was like kinda hyped up before that, and i dunno... seems like we've distanced a li'l. or maybe we ain't really very close in the first place. but i sincerely hope he'd get over it, whatever the problem is. hope it's idol lah, cos tt should be easier to cope with... stay strong, my friend

then there's terence...

[e=O.N.e.d.E.r.S]™ [fractured bone+torn cartilage=shattered life]

these things just happen in life... chatted with him a while, he seem quite alrite, just a li'l depressed. but i feel the pinch for him somehow. he was so looking forward to his table tennis competition... so sometimes he comes out with his usual lame stuff but can't deny that tinge of sadness in his tone... hope he can stay strong through the period.

finally ashleigh. he just changed his username recently, but the last one struck me. don't think i wanna rephrase it in my own words cos i'd just change the meaning, but it's bout dreams. it's like his problems always seem like they're on a different scale. i can only wish him all the best. he'd be staying in tj, so chances of meeting up would be even less than they were when we were still there...

i can't seem to phrase what i'm thinking exactly, but to my friends: best of luck and stay strong whatever happens. may things go well...

now to count my blessings...

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