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Friday, March 25, 2005



I think it was wednesday during the holidays... or just somewhere around there lah. i remember going out, preparing to go to yio chu kang to pass a friend something, then halfway while walking towards admiralty mrt i realised i forgot to bring my wallet. so i walked back towards the direction of home...

but i dunno why suddenly i was overcome with a surge of emotion. i miss my old house, a lot... i haven't really thought much bout tt at all, not even when i first moved to the present one in woodlands/admiralty. it's like my parents have been wanting to move since i was in p sch (around p4 i think) but i kept saying no to the idea cos i really liked it there. but later i dunno what was wrong with me and i finally relented, allowing them to look for a move. i wonder why they actually bothered to wait for my approval haha. i can only complain if we did move anyway, and my dad have long been wanting to move somewhere closer to his workplace all the way off in jurong island. but come to think of it, i should have stuck on stubbornly to the decision.

granted there were many other reasons my parents wanted to move... the house was getting really old and crying for a renovation i think. cracks have started appearing on the wall a few years before then and the they were growing. the estate was ageing, with the percentage of old people getting higher and higher... the amk bus interchange had just been torn down and amk central is just not the bustling place it once was (thankfully it'd kinda improved now even though the new interchange still isn't out)... many of the neighbours we knew quite well had started moving out too so less incentive to stay.

and then there were the good things in the new house. a food court is just right beside the block, very convenient unlike the on-off coffee shops at 603 and 608. the lift is so much faster haha. i still remember pacing around so impatiently whenever i'm late or sth for the lift to travel eleven stories. i can't imagine how i can survive without my new computer placement haha. all thanks to the feng shui master. the last time the computer was facing the living room and i always had to peek behind my shoulder constantly to see whether my parents were monitoring what i was doing. i know they already can guess i'm probabaly playing some game or chatting but i still like my privacy. then there's studies. i think it's just coincidental, but it seems like my studies suddenly skyrocketed after moving. and i prolly would never have discovered library studying if not for the move. as close as the last house was to amk lib somehow i seldom visited it and it was only until the move and woodlands library and the cafe with jeffrey that i managed to clock so many hours studying for the o levels although i did switch to amk and jurong sometimes in between. then there was this 'curse' of my old bed. i don't think i ever managed to avoid falling out of bed then. every morning i'd just end up on the floor, so much so that i had to placed a matress below it every night. now i only remember falling out of bed around two or three times haha.

but despite all this, i still miss the old place so much. used to know the area so well... hanging out with the group at the basketball court (though much less when sec sch started)... estate catching, basketball... wondering around the area during exams. the time i walked all the way to thomson from there... friends at teacher's estate and green meadows. the playgrounds at those private estates nearby. the market... then inside the house... the longish living room i used to kick a ball bout. the walls i played so many games with lol.

at that time suddenly i missed it all so much, it was so painful. but then i can't do anything bout it.

somehow my thoughts linked to some memories of yangqin, some theories bout why i'm still struggling to adapt to jc and such but don't really feel like blogging bout it now that the feeling is gone. but i did make a mental decision then that i'd probably always stay in the north. that's where i belong really. though i've forgotten quite some parts i'm still quite familiar with amk, yck and thomson area. and know the basic areas of woodlands, admiralty, sembawang, yishun and chong pang around the mrt stations etc. it kinda feels homely here. my time at tj in the east really made it seem so much diff. it's like there's a different culture there or something but somehow the place seems like a foreign place even though i came to know the place around the central quite well. and although i had quite some good memories at tj (it's nice when i recalled some of them during the current orientation... the day during wet games when my og suddenly came down with a wave of enthusiasm. chem and fmaths lessons under mrs foo and mr ngoh (i think it'd be very tough to find a teacher as good as them in jc)... when larger than life came on and suddenly feel like dancing. and nice to hear from aaron and candy that they felt that way too. thinking that tj sch song sounds so much nicer when hearing the aj one haha. oh no, i've digressed too much)... it's like i don't really wish to visit bedok anytime soon. already felt that when the ponning streak started (i have to stress so much i miss those days. may the ponning legion live forever haha). dunno why that feeling also. but oh well. think i'm done with this entry!

lol ! why didnt u jus sleep on the mattress ^^; mayb u needed a bigger bed
the mattress is reserved for those sleepless nights haha. the best way to cure insomnia - change sleeping position ^^.
well, i did whine for a queen size bed when moving but parents rejected. anyway my room too small too. and at least the new bed showed tt i can survive on a single bed =)
heyo.. jus realise i got a habit of tagging ppl's blog nowadays.. haha.. anyways, KSoh, mind blogging more often, since u r so full of words?? haha... quit being so lazy.. cya bout.. SMILE! =]
aiyah, can't help that laziness is an innate part of me...
lol at 'so full of words'. i thought i normally don't have much to say... well, except for on this li'l place where i just rant my head off lah.
hmm, so the urge to blog also a part of me i guess, just tt laziness is winning now. maybe sometime soon it'd be the other way round then
i've a queen size bed but i dont want it! it takes up so much space in my room..n i only sleep on one half of it. preparing for marriage. NO.. lol. no la, the other half's fill w books n other junk. lol. i think think u'll readd this comment
yup. i did read this ^^. the email service thingy rocks =).
lol, sleeping with books... just find the idea so weird... i'd prolly kick them out of my bed while sleeping if i had them. pillow, bolster and even blanket frequently end up on floor anyway lol.
ah, i want that extra side for all my plushies haha. now only pookie beside me with the others relegated to the the corner of the room...
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