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Sunday, March 27, 2005


Eventful (last) saturday

i never do anything i promise myself... i said i wanted to finish up blogging on friday and catch up on some sch work on sat but did none of them... excuse time for myself i guess. i did at least blog one for fri but thought that it was quite late already so went bout my other stuff. it's like the days are so short when u wake up at 11. i normally take a nap (jc have indeed thought us the importance of sleep), which in the case of fri was from 5 til dinner and after dinner time is quality time with my computer or gamecube (or reading sometime). so that leaves 6 hours of time to do other things... given how i slack my weekends away, 6 hours is like 4 hours, which isn't really a lot. then on sat totally didn't have the mood to get back to work, but was considering forcing myself to the lib so tt i might do sth. then jun liang msged asking to play ball and i'm not one to say no to my friends am i? ok lah, so i didn't want to do anything, and then there's this perfect chance to have some excercise, fun, and catch up with a really good friend. ok, enough of this digression... time to go back to last saturday...

class outing to marina south... (it's like we always repeat our outings... twice at sentosa, twice there...) after lots of time waiting for sharon slow once again (in the end deciding to go there first) went up to discover it was raining =(. well, i have no love for flying kites anyway haha. but was thinking of lying down on the grass patch just cloud gazing for a while then try get someone to bowl with me. so we headed towards victor's bowl, then everyone alighted one stop early at superbowl. zhi liang and someone went inside the arcade and well, that was it. most of the guys went to play lan, leaving me and vinnie. had quite some fun at outrun 2 (now devoting a few dollars a week on tt. it's a great game, perhaps something i can finally excel in arcades other than puzzle bobble and my mediocre skills at virtua tennis)

i kinda liked pop n music (some music games where u have to hit coloured buttons)... but my, it was tough... just when i thought i'm getting the hang of the beat and get onto a combo they give me a whole lot of buttons to smash. and how to play when u have to look down just to see where the button is. too bad it's too expensive or i'd be leaving aside another few dollars to tt to my now almost weekly trip to the arcades). then there's photohunt. lol at vinnie jibes with the girls. as usual i can't spot much, but it was fun.

then had to run off to around cuppage for my second sggamers bday outing. wanted to stay with the class but too bad i promised them i'd be going. it's like i waited til 2 or 3 days before it to confirm so tt it won't clash with anything only to see the class outing pop up on fri. so went to this restaurant called wakaru. or waruka. or waraku. or sth like tt lah. obviously it's a jap restaurant. got myself ten don. nice. then had some ice cream desert. came up to 20+ dollars... but kinda expected it lah. and it was quite nice and filling, so not so bad.

many of the guys still remember me haha. somehow it's like they seem quite familiar this time round, certainly not like pple i've just met for the second time. maybe it's cos we talk on the forums, but the bunch haven't been too active for some too, me included. so as usual there's the talk going round, and as usual i didn't talk much haha, just contented listening, only talking occasionally. there was like two main conversations going on, according to thomas, the 'students/ns' side talking bout games and the 'working adults' side more on stuff bout life, jobs, etc. surprisingly i was on the 'adults' side of the conversation most of the time. it's been 2/3/4 years since i've been a dedicated hardcore gamer so don't really know much bout the hottest games now. got a chance to try the ds and psp. nice. wanna get one someday. but not tt much of a need since my ipod and gba is already making my trips very comfortable and nice already.

during the dinner then had plans to watch robots on sun. more of that the next entry. after dinner the guys were thinking of going karaoke then arcade. i thought i should join the class again so left them from there. i hope they don't feel like i'm deliberately avoiding them cos i'm still new to their group. second time i left halfway (and third time to come). the last time they were planning to watch a movie but i wasn't really tt interested then it was quite late so went off. hopefully can stay the next outing.

so back at marina south. had a free overcooked egg (always like my eggs half-boiled or even less but left it for too long. turned out the outside had solidify leaving the inside still watery. hate peeling the eggshells haha. then had two curry puffs later... amazed by how much prawns the guys ate... then later went to the deck again. and became mosquito fodder as usual. went back. it's so tough rushing off here and there tt i didn't really get into things. was already kinda weird at wakaru or watever then a li'l out of sorts back at marina south. i think it's cos we act differently around diff pple so it's tough to switch between the 'modes'? i dunno the reason lah, but tt's just it. at least got a li'l better as time went on.

and still in my old geezer mood wanted to take a group photo. but lots of problems in the meanwhile. didn't get quite some pple. and photo turned out horrible. guess shouldn't blame the guy who helped us. i probably screwed up quite a number of photos for others myself haha.

hmm, i guess i'm really long winded. normally i don't really mind keeping my mouth shut but on my blog allowed to just talk, rant and complain bout anything i can make long paragraphs out of sth rather insignificant. guess tt's me for u.

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