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Thursday, March 17, 2005


(3/11) Lost

So looks like laziness reigned for the last few days. think i've thought of 5 or 6 entries i wanna add already but keep putting them off. hope i still remember them. then again, it's nothing much significant, so not much point putting it down. but still the old geezer inside me's still active so i'd try to type whatever i remember.

so last friday, decided to feign sick in the morning to convince my mom to let me not go to sch. i just couldn't face sch after ponning so many times the two weeks before so what's ponning another time. but come to think of it it's quite weird... for four years in zh i've always went to sch even if i'm sick, so many times my mom was like telling me to stay at home but i still insisted on going for some reason, the only time i missed it being the rare diarhea bouts (u definitely can't go to sch with it). then that day i just complained of a headache and feel weak and wanna skip sch. was prepared to have a cup of piping hot coffee and go see doctor but mom didn't force me to go, so just stayed at home. goodie ^^.

so was enjoying my day slacking at home in front of my pc before received patrick's sms. they're celebrating vanda's bday, meeting at city hall for dinner later. decided to go but had such a tough time convincing my mom that i'm all right then and can go out already. but then i still have to act a li'l weak so as not to arouse suspicion so i was like, 'i'm feeling a li'l week, but don't wanna miss celebrating a friend's birthday... think i can make it lah. i'd just cut down on heaty food, ok? (puppy eyes mode lol)'

so i went there, then found out they're going marina south for steamboat! bah, always dunno what exactly is the activity when i go outings then end up in wrong attire. thankfully wasn't too hot later. didn't sweat that much.

so we ate. didn't eat so much (never really do in bbq/steamboat things... know it's definitely too heaty for a junk eater like me)... then had the cake and birthday song. nice ^^. after that went to the deck nearby. nice scenery, but i'm the ultimate mosquito bait, only i only managed to kill two when, like a whole nest (ok, so mosquitoes don't live in nests, but sound fun the expression doesn't it haha) came a-calling. the bites only starting to go yesterday or so. was still itching a few days after and those oh so unsightly bumps...

love jumping over the railings or whatever they're called. like the feeling... ok, so we decided to walk to suntec after that but it was so near yet so far. we can see it just there some distance ahead but there was this body of water (now what do u call it?) separating us. got lost and had to walk for a long, long time. but kinda fun the experience... just walking and walking and walking

reached home quite late. forgot to bring keys and mom was going to sleep (thankfully i called halfway through). damn tired. so tired i fell out of bed for the first time i can remember in a long, long time the next day... but what a day. memorable... grr, i didn't get my group photo in the end...

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birthday girl!

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First attempt using the night mode (or sth like that) in the camera. didn't know the exposure time was so long so moved it before it was done. but thought the effects turned out kinda cool haha

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Ghost! Lol. Junio walked into the picture with the ultra long exposure time... cool effect ^^

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Tinkering with another mode. But guess my pictures are always blur regardless of the exposure lah...

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An attempt to create another ghost picture. This time wasn't so successful

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Shaky hands as usual. sigh

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Steadier hands ;)

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