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Friday, December 31, 2004


When blogging creates problems

So just a while after heralding how this blog is becoming so special to me, i'm finding it hard to blog truthfully now no thanks to a few people who just loves to spoil everything... somehow i don't feel safe writing down more private stuff cos i know now that there are certain someones who visit my blog as well with skewed intentions...

sometimes i just dislike people who know too much, and think that they know everything, making assumptions and proclaiming that they're fact. and even worse is if those people gossip without knowing when not to cross the line... not that i'm against gossip cos i do do my fair share of gossiping as well but i believe gossips should only be shared among close friends, people whom you can trust, people whom you know understands the difference between the gossip you're sharing now and the truth. but often if you gossip among mere aquaintances or not-so-close-friends you seldom see the distinction between what you can say and what you can't and end up hurting people in the process...

maybe i'm just a li'l too sensitive to some insensitive people. i know that i can be pretty tactless at times and shoot my mouth off, saying mean things that i didn't intend to but i don't think i do that as often or badly as certain people (at least i hope).

i'm fine with letting people know the stuff i place on my blog but not when those certain people again try to find more meanings that they should and assume that they're right. if someone wants to know something bout it i very much prefer them to ask me directly. and if i am uncomfortable providing them with the answer, i'd hope they would give me some respect and grant my right of privacy. and if they do feel that they get some unintended meanings in my blog i hope that they would at least keep it to themselves or just gossip among their closer friends so at least i won't have any chance of finding out.

it hurts me sometimes when i have to treat a person differently because i kinda of dislike him/her but not to the extent i go all out against him/her. and when you have to proceed with caution around somehow and be very wary of what you say i think it defeats the whole point of relationships between people... i don't like this at all but...

[I really fear that this entry's meaning might be misconveyed like i always do. hope that most blog readers of mine won't be alienated by this blog cos you are probably not one of those certain someones i'm referring to.]

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