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Friday, December 24, 2004


Unconnected ramblings

My dreams are becoming more and more creepy recently... last night i dreamt that i got a message on my phone and somehow or other it caused me to have diarrhoea... turns out i woke up with indeed a msg on my phone and a bad stomach ache which eventually turned out to be 3 trips to the toilet. my dreams are really scaring me nowadays...

anyway, the day before when i went swimming with lymon and ash i saw shiying, but yet again i was so into our conversation that i did not greet her. she was kinda staring at me so i'm sure i won't be snubbed like at tj... and again i missed another opportunity to talk with a primary sch mate. first there was irene at popular and then xiu hua at plaza singapura and in all these situations i just let fear and uncertainty get to me... and hearing bout other pple meeting up with their primary sch mates nowadays... and i wish to see some of my closer friends in primary sch too... william, alvin or maybe bobby, xinrong and weiyang... 2 yrs without contact and i kinda miss them... hope this won't turn out with my bunch of friends now.

on another unrelated note i've started writing faqs again. hope this won't turn out like the past few times (i have bout 200k of plain txt files unfinished sitting in my archives right now)... it's kinda fun writing guides and stuff imo and trying to find every little secret present in the game so really wish i can find the time commitment this time round. it's another one of those things that can take ur mind off things and stop you from daydreaming too much.

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