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Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Random, meaningless post #5 (School Rumble)

Anime-craze hitting me again... had lots of downloaded anime to catch up after chalets and my trip to malaysia so spent the last few hours watching it... but out of the many i watched, school rumble kinda hit me... the previous few episodes were just what i enjoy delivering slapstick comedy at its best with lots of jokes thrown around but this one (9th episode was different...) i felt like i clicked with harima amd he's just like me (or the other way round i suppose...) i'm dreaming too much, making up too much stuff i think. couple that with a not-so-good dream and i'm now reflecting bout myself once again.

i always think too much i think (^^) it's not healthy, but i just can't stop it. went play mahjong at lik khian's house on monday so managed to get my mind off things but somehow i wanted time alone yesterday and today... but at least i'm feeling better now (:>) i touched my gamecube for the first time since chalet (which seemed like aeons ago) so i'm starting to occupy myself with things again. and will be swimming tonight...

come to think of it, i've never fulfilled what i sat out to do. before the exams ended i kinda remembered i came up with a list but i don't think i've completed anything from it. i've not gone swimming often, not been bowling, not gaming enough, not hanging out with friends that frequently... but i'd still continue making these lists (^^) with new year resolutions coming up soon.

it'd be weird starting school in a new environment without many people i know but there's nothing i can do bout it. grr, i'm thinking too much again...

*and once again i made another entry that made no point... soon my whole blog's gonna be filled with them

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