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Friday, December 03, 2004


Random, meaningless entry #4 (fashion)

either all shops have no taste or i have bad dress sense (probably the latter) as i can't seem to be able to shop for any clothes... it's either too expensive, too big or too ugly... that's why i hate shopping (for clothes that is), but there are time where needs overpower feelings like this... i have just so little clothes in my wardrobe that i seem to be wearing the same thing over and over again when i get out... agh, the agony... now i have to go out there again today and try find something. and i'm thankful i didn't go prom after yesterday... clothes are so freaking expensive...

i still remember a few times during the exams where stress somehow damaged my brain and i went shopping midway through my studying at the library. i went to get those ultra expensive clothes that i'd probably never afford in my whole life and try them out, seeing how i'd look in them... weird how things like this relieve stress. but how embarassing it is, to have indulged in shopping before...

and talking bout embarassment, nothing's worse than getting spotted shopping, but somehow things gotta happen. bout a week before i went bugis to do my 'geek shopping' but somehow decided to shop for clothes midway through it, only to see vanda shopping with her mum... i just dunno where to hide my face then... now i've got another day of shopping to go until i manage to finally find something... grrr... how am i gonna survive.

while i'm generally not fickle bout fashion and stuff, seeing how so many people dyed their hair for prom lit up sth inside me. one day, one day i want to get the 'freddie ljungberg hairstyle', spiking up everything before having that strip of red in the centre... maybe one day i'd be rich and decide to do that...

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