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Wednesday, December 01, 2004



Been thinking bout it for a while, how i've changed through the yrs. terence has been saying i changed a lot pre and post graduation but i haven't really given much thought until recently. i think i have indeed changed a lot, be it for better or for worse. the shy, quiet and hard-to-notice small kid in lower primary, a much more active person in upper primary, much more outspoken, willing to volunteer in class to answer qns etc, then lower sec, upper sec and now... slowly i'm trying to mould myself into the person i wanna be. terence says how gd it'd be if i was like i am now in sec 1 but then that will not be myself. i am the person i am now because of my past experiences and changes and i'm fine with things they are. hopefully the next step into jc life will see myself change for the better and i can lead the life i want soon...

next i've been reading on horoscopes. it's really uncanny how true it is sometimes... definitely everyone is different and having a specific zodiac sign doesn't mean a person will have a specific type of personality but there are many trues in it. often there is the one or two characteristic that's different from the typical person of the zodiac sign but most of the time it matches. i try to see myself, and while i'm not the sociable person libras are supposed to be many of the personalities seem to fit me. i tend to try accomodate other people's interests, try to be fair and will always go about trying to avoid conflicts... my ideas, my dreams... it's eerie. i believe in science as my religion but there are these things that science cannot explain (yet?)... these things never fails to amaze me.

am now listening to lots of music to get into singapore idol mood now... it'd be on tonight while the other people go to prom (unless terence suddenly decides to call me)... i really hope taufik win, and will be casting a vote or two for him. he definitely deserves to win. sylvester's fans say that it's an idol contest and sly has the support and should win but i beg to differ. i think taufik actually have more supporters but it's just that they don't vote in astronomical numbers like sylvester's crazy fangirls do... go taufik... at least if it's jessea or olinda i would have remained neutral, but taufik's my last hope. pls, sylvester fans, pls, don't disgrace singapore on world idol with 'keeeys from a rose'... pls don't make us the laughing stock of the universe ;P and may terence be our next singapore idol... :>

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