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Tuesday, December 21, 2004



Had some time on my hands so modified the blog a li'l bit. radical dreamers is now my background midi (i prefer the mp3 version with vocals and better sound quality but gotta spare a thought for the 56k pple as well, so bear with it) and i opened up the comments section. still not getting a tagboard cos it's still too unreliable so i'd be looking at other ways to communicate in the meanwhile. and since blogger doesn't allow me to tamper with the scripts and i still can't find a decent webhost without popups (i don't mind banner ads...) that support php and ftp the only thing i can do now is probably to make a layout...

i think i'd try since i have time but given my rusty html and horrible photoshop skills i think i'm gonna take a while... i have an idea already but now i gotta source for whatever i need, make a full layout, slice everything up and try to insert them into the appropriate places... that's the prob when they don't allow you to tamper with the scripts... you just can't make another html file by itself without constantly referring to the original templates to see how to fit the codes... ah, i'm complaining too much bout free things and using too much jargon i think... i should get back...

Read up some of my earlier archives, and it's kinda funny when i think of how i started this blog... from young, keeping a diary had been one of those on-off things which i contemplated of doing but i never did start anything cos i just don't feel secure writing things down and risk having other people seeing it (so i'm paranoid as ash would say ^^) then when i started to use my pc more and more during my p6 and secondary school i've thought of typing it down in a txt file but again the security reasons come in and i cannot fathom seeing it gone if my com ever comes down with a virus or something

in sec 3 i started to learn bout blogs but then i didn't think much of keeping a diary so it was only until may 2004 when i first started it. even though it's online and free for all to see somehow i felt a li'l safer cos probably no one was gonna discover this blog i thought. so it started and initially i did have major problems expressing myself on it. there were many times where i felt i have something to say, went to blogger, typed my stuff out but deleted in the end cos it just felt weird typing things out.

but slowly, things changed for the better and i got more and more comfortable on it. eventually i even decided to open it up and allow others to view it. now it has become a very special part of me already. i still have trouble expressing myself but that's more of my english ability unable to bring across what i really feel and not cos i feel uncomfortable saying things. this blog has turned into really something for myself. it has turned into a place where i can just confide my thoughts and feelings to, a place to let me pen down things so that i'd never forget them. a place to relive all those memories of yore...

but i've never thought it would turn out like this. when i first started it i thought it would just be another of my on-off things and i'd get sick of it soon enough and totally forget bout it but now, i'm blogging almost daily... when i was in kl/genting, it felt weird not blogging so much so that i had to write down some things on my hp to remind myself of what to blog bout. now i want to bring it a step further... i realised some of my entries kinda beat around the bush so much that it made for tiring (and boring) reading and drags on for so long. i need to start using my succinct words, but then again i already have problems bringing the right point across now that trying to shorten my entries might just make them worse.

and something that have been even more magical than keeping a blog is reading others' ones. many a times when i am down i'd turn to blog reading and find myself motivated by some blogs... it's truly wonderful how they manage to do that and as much as i try to insert food for thoughts occasionally in my blog it just turns out into yet another round of ramblings and laments from myself (at least i feel better doing that :>) and then there are some really funny blogs that can lighten up your day. i'd like to mention serena/mystica's blog here ( especially cos there's many times i found myself laughing out loud reading it... she blogs bout her life generally but somehow i wonder how she injects that humourous touch into most of her entries while lamenting bout things or whatever. and i still remember the pumpkins/halloween entry which i just love...

still there are also blogs that i absolutely detest with a vengence... people who blog just because it seems 'cool' to blog and all their friends are doing it. these people try to spiff up their blogs by getting those templates and stuff but ultimately the substance is lacking as they do not pay enough attention to it and end up writing entries saying hi to their friends, etc (shudder) if you wanna blog, pls at least make a point. talk bout urself, comment bout current affairs, update often or whatever... just don't leave one with substanceless posts pls...

EDIT: lol... i just blogged bout this and went to read the papers and lo and behold digital life's feature was bout blogging... i should go be a prophet or something (^^) and sggamers got featured in it too! if only my chalets didn't clash with theirs i would have made an appearance on newspaper. haha. first deli, now the gang... newspapers are always so interesting when the editor's (wai-leng!) someone u know (or at least saw each other before...)

thats what i was thinking. never tell anyone of us.
paiseh. was avril.
hey!i didnt realise abt the hp bit.but i thot the whole blog thing's very sweet and nice. and after reading your blog and everything i think i kinda know you much better. hahaa

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