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Thursday, December 02, 2004



singapore idol was great and more than reason to skip prom (though that's not the reason of course)... even sylvester put up a spectacular performance, but as again taufik was better. so glad taufik won... i'm gonna get his album when it comes out surely, maybe even on the first day.

i dun regret skipping prom at all cos of the price and everything but i do regret missing the chance to see many people for one last time. grad day was kinda in a rush and people started streaming out before i got the chance to say one final gdbye to many of them... just hope that they go to the chalet at least and i won't be so engrossed in watever i'd be doing.

miss is not the word, however... i can't say i miss the class and the people cos i don't want to keep dwelling on memories of yesteryear. there's no point brooding over something that has taken place... i'd rather put it as i long for us to be together again and never part. too bad it'd not happen. haven't been getting together with friends the past two days and already i'm starting to feel the pinch. i had so many plans, but when the few of us got closer and i slowly knew more bout certain things it's no longer so easy... sometimes i wish i didn't know any of these, but that's part of friendship i guess.

i'm starting to think of how life will be like in jc. i remember on the first day of my secondary school life i looked into the mirror and told myself it's the chance to be a new me. only huifang came from my sch so everything i've done during primary sch is erased and i can forge a different person from scratch. sadly, it didn't turn out this way and my first two years + were kinda like wandering around trying to find who i am. i still haven't found it, but at least i got this rough idea...

come jc i just want to take things as they are in my stride, go out and do all those things i've been too scared to do before and try, try and try... i don't have two years this time round to sort myself out again and try steer myself in a different path. i wonder how i'd be come then...

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