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Thursday, December 23, 2004


the big day

went swimming yesterday night with ash and lymon... no, it's more like we went to the swimming complex... met up for dinner with them, had a chat and then we walked to the swimming pool. lymon was feeling a li'l sick but we hoped he'd be alrite when we reached there. changed, went into the pool but lymon couldn't take it so he went up. me and ash swam a few laps but when i started my backstroke i felt my dinner coming out so gotta stop as well... turned out we swam less than 10min in the end.

in the end lymon got really sick... really hope he recovers soon... no, he WILL recover and make it for his big day tml... i'm all behind him. actually feel so happy for him after he told us what's bout to happen. hope things will turn out well for him... after all, he's my beacon of motivation after what seemed to have happened to terence...

once again i'm starting to ramble on. think this blog will turn out like those i hate soon if i continue like that. at least my life's getting back to normal now. i'm starting to laze around the whole day accompanied by my dear computer, gamecube and gameboy... and once again, i wish lymon the best of luck tml... GO!

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