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Saturday, December 18, 2004


Back to real life

disorientated once again after the trip... happened during the two chalets this yr and here it goes again. i just didn't felt like doing anything today. didn't felt like gaming, didn't felt like doing anything at all so the day went by really, really slowly. it's just sad how much time gaming takes up in my normal life that taking it out feels like i've nothing to do anymore.

i'm felt really weird then staring at my computer screen doing nothing. then had a brief chat with leslie bout jc which kinda passed some time before the cough medicine aided me in passing time. i somehow like that drowsy feeling you get after drinking cough medicine... before you feel sleepy, they'd be this 'high' feeling of floating around... i must be a weirdo ^^.

again one of those posts where i can't seem to make any sense... bah!

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