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Friday, December 10, 2004



Chalet was over yesterday... Lots of thoughts but dunno how to phrase them... guess i should start from the start...

first day i was playing mahjong, cards and my gamecube (how nice to finally play those multiplayer games the way they were meant to be played). got to mix with quite some people whom i was not so close to which was nice.

second day was kinda like more of the same. however, in the afternoon while the others were on the gamecube i kinda allowed my mind to wander off and started daydreaming... soon those thoughts came to my mind and i was pretty troubled that day... at night there was the bbq but i hardly ate then went upstairs and had lots of one-to-one, heart-to-heart talks with many different people. that for me was probably the best part of the chalet. i shared a lot, gained insight on a lot of new things and got to strengthen my bonds with those people. it still amazes me how i talk differently to other people, using different words and would share different things. and that's how weird relationships are. after the talks i was kinda surprised how there were many different perspectives on the same incident and how things do not seem to be like what they are on the surface. eventually all this thinking and talking got the better of me and i retired at bout 1pm midway through playing mario party... the sleep on the three chairs were pretty horrible but i had to sleep...

next day awoke feeling really cold. turned out terence and vinnie was feeling the same and we went outside the chalet and slept outside it. soon, douglas and co were trying to persuade people to go wild wild wet. toyed with the idea but in the end decided against it cos not many people went. so the group that was left ended up playing monopoly... and because of that many of us skipped lunch (and to think i skipped breakfast as well), but i digress. at the end of the game was thinking bout going kbox or bowling but due to time constraints decided to go bowling. the group left in the chalet told us to be back early so we only played a game which left me wanting more. also very irritated with this super inconsiderate guy who took 2 lanes for himself in the peak period and took bout 8 or so house balls even though he has his own bowling ball... and to think he doesn't bowl well too. may bad luck befall this kind of guy.

after we went back we realised that no plans had been made and we went back for nothing. most were going night cycling but me, vinnie and terence did not want to go (my cycling skills always limit me to a park only... and all those assurances ash was trying to give me never really assured me). but in the end still went to help them rent bikes, only to realise only 8 guys went there to borrow 10 bikes. in the end terence had to do so much work running back and forth even though he's not going for it. and after vinnie called for 'reinforcements' i got irritated by the replies we were given. thankfully no one said anything when we went back or i'd probably have let go at someone.

after that i had another round of talks, shared more and gained more again. i need to have more of these but i don't think it's very possible now. then we went tampines after some problems and couldn't decide where to eat. in the end settled on swensen's but had to wait for so long. some people got angry and well, i might have if i wasn't so famished and hungry after skipping my meals earlier in the day. finally went in at about 9 (i think) and had this very late dinner. and becuase i was eating on an empty stomach i almost puked when the oil got the better of me and i couldn't finish it. at least the conversations at the table were pretty light-hearted and fun and didn't make me think more. then we went out and was thinking of going kbox again but in the end went back. dozed off on the bus and got back.

many went night cycling, leaving only 7 of us in the chalet. terence immediately KO-ed on the bed once we made it back (without bathing or brushing his teeth... ewe...) and i actually wanted to do so as well (that is after i bath and brush) but vinnie convinced me to do otherwise. so in the end, candy, weiteng, sandy, me, vinnie and junwei decided to go swimming. tried to wake terence up but he slept like a log. we called his name countless number of times, nudged him, took pictures of him and everything we can think of but he still slept. so we left with the keys, hoping he'd not wake up when we're gone. since all the pools were close we (or rather, they) were thinking of sneaking in one. tried sneaking into downtown east but there was a security guard there and decided to climb the gates into the aranda pool, only to find out that the door wasn't locked. so we went in, and into that ice-cold water. shivering like mad at first, but soon it got better and it was fun swimming. but in the end we had to leave early cos sandy was concerned about terence. turned out terence was still sleeping (as expected) but junio came and couldn't enter the chalet. felt pretty bad bout that, but i still wonder how terence managed to survive the handphone ringing, the doorbell and the door knocks.

went for a shower, brushed my teeth and retired again. i thought i had the bed when they went night cycling but terence and junio were on them and i had to make do on the three chairs again... kinda felt the night cycling people come back or something but i was half awake then. next morning was awake but didn't feel like sitting up so just lied down there for a long while. eventually it was time to pack up my bag. was trying so hard to stuff everything into it and when i finally did i realised i had things i forgot to pack. but i digress again. so in the end, we checked out and left. went to burger king for lunch together and had a gd conversation with some people. but after that, people soon left one by one and it was piercing. that was probably the last time we said goodbye until march... don't wanna harp on these things again i guess though i still felt it...

[will continue in the next entry]

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