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Tuesday, November 09, 2004


So soon...

Sometimes i think too much and try to find hidden meanings for everything. why can't i juz take them as they are and not make all these blind speculations? and why do i not act to try resolve these guesses of mine? why do i worry so much?

anyway, bio revision went very well today. finished reading through the txt-bk and have done one full paper. i think i'm gonna fail it, but i sincerely hope i've studied hard enough to get a b3. i dun expect much for something i've not tried hard for at all, so please at least give me a decent result. after all, this is a lot more than i have originally planned to study.

and money matters is getting a li'l out of hand. gaming and tech stuff sure is expenisve. i've already spent close to 300 this year stocking up on my games and gadgets but somehow i don't see myself being satisfied until i throw in another 300 (and that's assuming i don't get myself that ultra cool ipod). i'm wasting too much money, but then again i don't waste much except for on food.

47% of the main exams have passed, so 10 days more before this thing ends. a li'l funny how there was a time not so long ago when i wasn't exactly looking forward to that day. ~239h/1,4329min/859,740s left...

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