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Sunday, November 14, 2004


Random, Meaningless Post #3 + Puzzle Bobble

Now this really proves my hypothesis that i only think when i'm down, which in itself is pretty sad... so many entries in the last few days... at least things seem to be looking up for now. i've been too happy, too long so the law of averages decided that it's fair time i get depressed for a while. the sine curve, i call it...

now that my spirits are a li'l better, it's back to some mindless stuff again. library closed today and tml, and i wonder how i'm gonna cope with it. i've just realised today that i cannot seem to find another place to study except there. mcdonalds was too noisy, the chi just isn't right in my house so i'm left with yet another day gone without much useful work done.

i don't know what to study for my geog at all. i kinda know most of the stuff in the textbk for the 3 chapters i'm studying but after the prelims i have no idea how to study for geog. it seems as if the questions never ask about the info in the textbook and many a times u just have to make up your own logical things. moreover, i have no idea how much or how little to write... i wonder how everything will turn out.

then we have physics. i've not even done reading the textbook, much less practice on how to answer questions. and i've forgotten a lot of the answers i've got from mr choo about how to answer certain questions... hmm... and there's still a maths and chem, though they seem to be the least of my worries now.

and the fun i've had with bio seemed to have subsided a bit due to the eye question. while other people seem to be rejoicing bout how we get a 'free' question, i beg to differ. since your grade in the exams depend on your percentile and not your marks, having the question turn out like that means there are less chances for you to prove how strong you are. everyone, regardless of whether they knew the answer or not will get the mark, so i'd treat it as points lost more than earned. if the question was 'normal', i think 20% of the candidates in the whole nation might not have studied hard enough to know bout that. and another 20% might have poor time management skills and end up not being able to finish that question. now it turns out these people will benefit from it. but i think i'm complaining too much. i haven't studied hard enough for bio anyway and i'd be happy with a b3...

also just realised that i haven't been depressed for quite a long time after discovering how rusty my puzzle bobble skills are. i always play puzzle bobble when i'm down cos it doesn't require much thinking, it doesn't have much pauses except for the game over screen which only comes out bout once every 20min so i dun give myself time to think and the 'pop' sounds when you clear those bubbles seems to 'pop' your troubles away. i think it was before the prelims when i last played it, and for my standards that looks like a very good sign. i remember the time i used to be able to play it so fast and aiming seems like second nature without the need to slow down before i hit the bubbles... it was probably the only multiplayer game i could beat others comfortably in then...

guess i'm spewing too much crap. but that's how things go when my mood is lighter...

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